Chapter 20

God: His terms and attributes

Terms (Features)

Those that are necessary to treat God as the object of knowledge.

At the beginning of this study I gave the basic features of God needed for a later understanding of His main attributes. These terms are:

He should be the Original Being,

He should be the Causative First Cause,

He should be the Initial Necessity,

He should be the Original Source of Everything,

He should be the Absolute,

He should be Perfection,

He should be the Absolute Good,

He should be Infinity and Eternity.  

Attributes (Adjectives)

Those that are needed to analyze the existence of God.

Attributes of God's Spiritual Side, or His Personality, are as follows:

It is His Intelligence, Will and Emotionality, perceived by people as His Omniscience, Goodness and Love. From them arise His Laws and Principles, perceived by people as laws of nature.

The attribute of the Physical Side of God is the Energy of the First Cause, in other words Primary Energy, perceived by people as different states of energy and matter.

Ability (Skills)

What people endow God or what they think about Him.

He is omnipotent,

He is ubiquitous,

He is all knowing,

He is just

He is merciful,

and so on…

These and many other possibilities were given to Him by people, creating religions. These are actually human traits on a macro scale transferred from people to God. All these terms require a separate explanation. Unfortunately, each of the major religions explains them in their own way, creating their own separate theology and dogmatology.

Due to the universal approach to the question of the existence of God as the Original Being, I am not referring in this elaboration to skills given to Him by religions. Those are an act of faith of every particular denomination.







 Essenceism -

This is an analytical system that was created to understand the existence of God, the spiritual world and the eternity of man and which shaped the Theory of Eternal Existence - Author

This is the contents of the books about the system essenceism that shaped:

 the Theory of Eternal Existence    and the  Outline of Theory of Eternal Eexistence

1. Essenceism 1 - “God is not from this world”- (scientific understanding of God)

 2. Essenceism 2 - “We are from this world”- (understanding the role of man in relation to God)

 3. Essenceism 3 - “Evil is from this world”- (understanding of evil)

 4. Essenceism 4 - “Vision not from this world”- (understanding of salvation)

 5. Essenceism 5 - “Eternity is not from this world”- (understanding of eternity)

 6. Essenceism 6 - “Unreal gods from this world”- (understanding of religions)

  7. Essenceism 7 - “Love from this and not from this world- (understanding of love)

  8. Essenceism 8 - “Reality from this and not from this world- (understanding of reality)