Chapter 29

Perfection for man

You don't have to be afraid to say that man can be perfect. Essenceism emphasizes that in the Creator's assumption everyone should achieve perfection. This fact should not be especially surprising to those who believe in Jesus' words: "Be perfect, how perfect your Heavenly Father is" (Mt 5:48).

Perfection means the maximum state, which means that in a given reality there cannot be anything even more perfect than established perfection. This is because it is the final state. Similarly to this state, there cannot be anything more infinite than infinity or something more absolute than absolute.

Perfection is one of God's main attributes. In His case, as He is an absolute Original Being, we speak of absolute perfection. Of course, this also applies to all of His other attributes. After activating His perfect law, God gradually brings everything to perfection. The only exception to this rule is a man who, based on this right, must achieve his own perfection.

People inherit personality from God, so our goal is continuous development leading to perfection. Has anyone ever achieved perfection during earthly life? People, reflecting on this for centuries, most often mention the person of Jesus Christ. You can also discuss the Buddha. Still different people give different religious denominations. However, it is clear from the analysis of essenceism that the only perfect person who ever lived on Earth was Jesus Christ. For now, this is only a matter of Christian faith, because essenceism, focusing on following the principles of science, cannot provide evidence of His perfection. In the future, if salvation would occur, the presence of perfect persons in the physical world would be something completely normal.

So who was Jesus? Was he human or God? Or maybe both, as Christian dogma says?

An analysis of essenceism shows that He was human, but the only unencumbered fallen nature. In the chapter on the idea of ​​the Savior, it was explained that there could be a situation where on Earth there was the birth of someone who was not burdened with fallen nature, that is, no bond with Satan. Therefore, one can accept the humanity and perfection of Jesus Christ as the only Son of God in history.

If Jesus really lived on Earth 2,000 years ago, He had to be human according to science. Everyone without exception who is born on Earth is human.

Essenceism must exclude acts of faith from its analysis. Science also does it because it does not deal with such matters. Miracles as acts of faith can unfortunately be a product of human imagination. It is therefore necessary to assess what is a fact and what is just a human invention.

In the Middle Ages, Christian clergy decided that Jesus was God. Apparently, this was needed to create the cult of Jesus as equal to God the Father for contemporary Christianity. It suited those times and the level of knowledge of the people who lived then. However, it was a human idea, having nothing to do with the concept of the world prepared by the Creator. He, as a Original Being, is above everything, including the entire universe. Nothing and nobody can compare to Him. This means that Jesus is simply God's Son. This dignity was given to Him as the first in human history. Of course, it also belongs to every perfect man.

To maintain faith in Jesus as God, Christianity had to dogma this matter, while at the same time creating the concept of the Trinity. As a result, the person of Jesus was surrounded by further dogmas to sanction His divinity. That is why the conception of Maria without the male was invented, creating something in-vitro. In this translation, the sperm implanted the Holy Spirit in Mary's womb. It is such a wonderful way for God to be the Father of Jesus, although every human being without exception is a child of God. To defend Jesus' position as God, it was necessary to teach against logic that God's child is not the same as God's Son.

At the same time, for the purposes of worship, it was announced that Jesus was a gift from Heavenly Father to humanity, a gift of salvation through death on the cross. It was given the concept of God's Mercy. For this reason, God was indirectly charged with the imperfection because He created a humanity that arbitrarily left Him and surrendered to Satan. Hence, God's Mercy had to become another dogma, this time in the form of a great mystery.

There was also a need to create more dogmas and secrets, for example regarding the spiritual world, Jesus' resurrection and His ascension. Thus, the Person of Jesus Christ and his whole life were completely separated from reality. This is exactly in contradiction with the intention and teaching of Jesus Himself, according to which all barriers between God and His children should disappear. Most Christian activities focus on Jesus' worship, rather than directly implementing His teachings. Essenceism, therefore, tries to show the true figure of Jesus Christ, unencumbered by dogmas and close to our humanity. Such a Jesus is much easier to recognize as someone worth imitating in everyday life. It is from Him that the Christian values ​​mentioned in this study come from. Unfortunately, they are rarely implemented, although they should be guidelines for Christian behavior.

These critical remarks are intended to make people aware of how easy it is in our world to move away from the values ​​arising from the existence of the Original Being.







 Essenceism -

This is an analytical system that was created to understand the existence of God, the spiritual world and the eternity of man and which shaped the Theory of Eternal Existence - Author

This is the contents of the books about the system essenceism that shaped:

 the Theory of Eternal Existence    and the  Outline of Theory of Eternal Eexistence

1. Essenceism 1 - “God is not from this world”- (scientific understanding of God)

 2. Essenceism 2 - “We are from this world”- (understanding the role of man in relation to God)

 3. Essenceism 3 - “Evil is from this world”- (understanding of evil)

 4. Essenceism 4 - “Vision not from this world”- (understanding of salvation)

 5. Essenceism 5 - “Eternity is not from this world”- (understanding of eternity)

 6. Essenceism 6 - “Unreal gods from this world”- (understanding of religions)

  7. Essenceism 7 - “Love from this and not from this world- (understanding of love)

  8. Essenceism 8 - “Reality from this and not from this world- (understanding of reality)