Essenceism 2 - “We are from this world”
Part 3 – Ideas of essenceism towards religion >>> see below the additional information
Chapter 16 - Idea of the Original Being’s Heard
Chapter 17 - Idea of the God’s Laws
Chapter 18 - Idea of the eternal existance of good
Chapter 19 - Idea of the existance of the personal evil
Chapter 20 - Idea of the free will
Chapter 21 - Idea of the Divine Providance
Chapter 22 - Idea of the responsability for the world
Chapter 23 - Idea of the Divine Mercy and Justice
Chapter 24 - Idea of the salvation and Savior
Chapter 25 - Idea of the uderstanding reincarnation
Chapter 26 - Idea of the duality according to essenceism
Chapter 27 - Idea of the end of the world
Chapter 28 - Warming against the degradation of religion
Important information:
Ideas of the essenceism towards religion
The history of religion, especially those from the Middle East, is the story of turning around the biblical statement that God created man in His image and likeness. From this arose a reverse vision of God created in the image and likeness of man, or the imaginary God. Long ago Judaism "shaped" God for their tribal needs and made Him Yahweh - an imaginary God of Judaism existing to this day.Then the Christians, in their own way understanding the teaching and explanations of Jesus Christ, modified the "Jewish" God to their "Christian" imaginary God. Then Islam further modified its tribal needs for God and made Him Allah - an "Islamic" imaginary God.