Chapter 26

Alternative scenarios for the salvation of mankind

What are the alternative ways to save the world in the light of the dark scenario presented in the third part of this study? I see two such scenarios because I reject the possibility of "top-down" salvation by God. The first, quite typical, and the second, very futuristic.

This typical scenario has already been described in my book „The Touch of Eternity” and at my website There, I showed that our world had not yet been saved, although redemption had occurred. Thus, an understanding of a future full salvation cannot be fully based on the results of Jesus' activity. The main problem concerns people's attitudes towards the Returning Savior. The point is to recognize Him properly and not "crucify" Him. Then the renewal of our world could begin and we could return to the original concept of the world provided by the Creator. Unfortunately, you also have to be on your guard against other evil mechanisms. The re-rejection of a human-born Savior need not be accomplished by literal killing. We can imagine, for example, a complete lack of support for him, a lack of understanding of his teachings, and leaving his fate in the hands of politicians and fanatical followers of various religions. Already once, in ancient Israel, such a political and religious mix resulted in the loss of the possibility of full salvation, which Jesus Christ was to accomplish. Unfortunately, observing the current situation in the world leads rather to a dark scenario.

I will now turn to the futurological scenario.

What I am presenting here follows logically from the analyzes I have carried out in the framework of essenceism. Since I say that God cannot intervene in our world to save it "top down", and the inhabitants of the Earth turn out to be incapable of carrying out the process of salvation, someone from outside can do it. I still predict that it should be done by humans, though not necessarily from our planet.

From the point of view of someone from the outside, it seems that on one of the planets shaped by the Creator there was a tragedy that still causes suffering to His children.  It is a pity that this fate has just met our Earth.  In my "black" perception, I have described it as a hell in which we must live. Satan who reigns in it and his evil angels are at the same time isolated from the proper, God's spiritual universe. Therefore, finding humanity under their evil rule in a dramatic way stopped our development. Therefore, from our Earth, nobody can enter the perfect spiritual universe immediately after physical death. We live first locked in a physical hell on Earth, and after death we wander in an unknown spiritual world reminiscent of one large waiting sphere.  Its spheres are as if placed in the "big cloud" covering our reality, creating a gigantic extension of our "earth prison".

So I will move on to full "futurology". Is it possible to dream that in this difficult situation other human civilizations will come to our aid, which, according to my guess, could be somewhere in the cosmos?

Such a solution, despite great hopes, may not take place for the time being if no one in the universe knows about our dramatic situation. Unfortunately, it is quite likely. Perhaps it is not just about the level of technology. Certainly, it would be difficult to communicate with the civilization of the oldest period of Babylon's culture with that of our 21st century. Perhaps just such a difference exists between our civilization and other highly developed on those planets. In a less pessimistic scenario, you can imagine our Earth, lost in the endless cosmos, as a lonely planet, where no information from the rest of the universe reaches, and at the same time nobody knows anything about it.

However, I am afraid that the main problem lies elsewhere. It may be that we are a "lonely island of evil" in space, the only fallen human civilization. The evil on our planet may have made us so corrupt and alien to the universal community that a huge spiritual "gulf" has formed between them and us. In addition, because of evil, we may be so "strangers" to them that they will fear us, just as we fear all kinds of supposed aliens. It seems that we can be beyond the stabilized good in the universe, as if in the abyss, relying only on evil. It would indeed be a dark scenario.

I have already written that God is perfect and unchanging. Therefore, on other planets in the universe, similar to Earth, He could create people with a physical structure identical to ours. What is most important is the fact that probably no other human civilization in the universe experienced such a tragedy that our civilization underwent in the Garden of Eden in the first years of its existence. All others should be fully perfect, not contaminated with evil. It gave them hope that they were smart enough to help us. They can invite the same angels who cooperate with us to cooperate with us. For now, these good angels, based on the present humanity, cannot do much, which can be considered bad news.

The good news is that these good angels know our current situation. Thus, during the entire period of the salvation of our Earth, they could be appropriate guides for people from other planets. It is known that perfect humans are even more powerful than angels. So they can duel with Satan, just as Jesus did. Such an army of "saviors" could certainly deal with Satan and his evil spirits. Unfortunately, this good civilization, for technical reasons, will not come to us in spaceships. Even at high speeds of spacecraft, the human body has a very limited life span. Only their spiritual persons could come to Earth. Therefore, the help of people currently living on our planet, having their own physical persons, would be necessary. Such people could offer to participate in the "reincarnation" of spiritual visitors from that planet, unspoiled by evil. This mechanism of using a physical person by an "alien" spiritual person, the Creator predicted already at the time of creation, that all people of all time could participate permanently in the life of both their planet and other places of being throughout the universe. I have explained this phenomenon many times as part of the presentation of the essenceism system. This could mobilize the rest of the people on Earth to join the process of purifying the world of evil. Additional help and experience can be offered by spiritual people from Paradise, i.e. saints led by Jesus. They know very well who our main enemy on Earth is. It would finally lead to the implementation of the original plans of the Creator and teach us to live in the world under His authority. This process would continue until God could be directly involved in our lives. This would have happened as a result of the perfection of the first human couple, a state that Adam and Eve had not attained. They would become the right parents of all mankind, giving rise to the divine lineage of our race. Then this scenario would be similar to the original scenario described in my study. It would no longer be a black scenario, but one that leads to a perfect world. This leads to a simple conclusion, of course quite futuristic, coming from the sphere of dreams that for salvation we need the support of people who have already realized the Divine concept of the world somewhere in the universe, i.e. the so-called Kingdom of Heaven.

Hence, it is worth adding some additional knowledge to create a positive salvation scenario.

Since the Earth is still a place where one cannot achieve the level of perfection, our education and spiritual development can be completed elsewhere, under favorable conditions for us, that is, elsewhere in the universe. If there are "good lands" somewhere, where civilizations were created in accordance with the concept of the Creator, i.e. the ideal world, then people living there can help us complete our development on the spot. They could give us a chance to achieve the appropriate state of perfection needed to continue with eternal life. It is about "connecting" to people who are developing on such a good planet. After breaking away from evil, we could use their natural persons during one biological life and, like them, reach the level of spiritual perfection provided by the Creator. Such an option would make everyone aware of a positive vision of their future. What I wrote above sounds incredible, but it results from a logical analysis of the state of the universe, which, in my opinion, was created in accordance with the Creator's concept.

When presenting such a futurological vision, I also thought about people of science so that they would understand our dramatic situation as well. Of course, scientists do not need to be persuaded to search for civilization on other planets in space. They have been doing it for a long time. I think that in the near future we will come to the appropriate level of technology to enable effective interplanetary communication so that something is known about us in the universe. Then we could possibly try to eliminate our hell with outside help.

Is all that I wrote above just fiction? Or maybe it's just my dreams...?

These questions will be answered in the future...



Chapter 27

How to prepare the salvation of the world?

I have pointed out in many places in my studies that God Will not save the world "above our heads." This means that He will not surprise us with His created end of the world or the so-called Last Judgment.

I have also repeatedly pointed out that it is not right to count on the Savior's descent from heaven as God's action to change our reality. The Creator cannot be an instrument for solving human problems.

The Original Being is changeless, absolute and perfect. He always, and without exception, gives every born person on Earth his "breath of life", which is a unique spiritual person. He gave it to Adam, whom we treat as the first man, He gave it to billions of people throughout the history of human history. At a specific time He also gave a spiritual person to Jesus Christ. These two births, Adam and Jesus, were unique. Investigating this fact is necessary to understand the birth of a possible future savior of humanity.

Both the birth of Adam and Jesus were completely free from Satan's influence. Adam because he was not there at the time, and Jesus because Satan had no way of interfering in his birth. This fact is extremely important. It turns out that a world under the control of Satan may be born someone like the Son of God, who has no fallen nature, that is, no dependence on "the master of this world".

The analysis of essenceism shows that since the bad pedigree of Adam and Eve has affected all of humanity, causing negative collective responsibility for the fall in the Garden of Eden, then a good pedigree of the Savior and His Bride based on the principle of positive collective benefit can lead to the salvation of all people, and this with no exception. The birth of Jesus Christ was the result of the efforts of the chosen people and their key figures in a long chain of generations. The determination of Abel, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua and other Bible-conscious heroes, including women, who were aware of their mission, resulted in the creation of a blood heritage of more power than Satan's influence. Therefore, the several thousand years of Jesus' pedigree heritage could "cleanse" the evil of the collective heritage of original sin resulting from the fall in the Garden of Eden.

According to the analysis of essenceism, the phenomenon of the Savior's appearance should follow the collective effort of the entire generation chain, with the participation of many figures, especially those belonging to the world's major religions. It is about Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Those engaged in salvation should be aware of their role, so that their will has an influence on eliminating the evil influence of Satan. Once upon a time, the Jewish people prepared, through their efforts and suffering, the possibility of the birth of a Son of God completely independent of Satan on Earth. This is an important precedent for us to repeat this situation. If, in the process of salvation, the right people understand the necessity to prepare for the birth of the Son of God on Earth, then in the modern era the same mechanism that worked when Jesus Christ appeared.

In this case, every action in accordance with the laws constituting God's Providence brings us closer to the possibility of the birth of the Son of God on Earth. It is, of course, about his birth unburdened by the inheritance of fallen nature from Satan. At the same time, every wrong action takes us away from it. Thus, in the matter of the Savior's birth, God is not the main decision maker. We have the key to His coming. It must also be admitted that Satan will be an extremely difficult opponent in our mission, as this may end his existence.

As a reminder, I mark what I mean by the key in the "hands" of humanity. This metaphor means the essenceism's respective definitions of good, God's Providence, and God's Will. This Will does not necessarily have to be read from the holy books, because it is a very clear and clear concept. It means the Creator's decision to create an ideal or perfect world called the Kingdom of Heaven. It also means the appearance of His perfect children, i.e. those in His image and likeness who have undergone the process of growth, reproduction and making a surrendered Earth on Earth. For this, Christians pray with the words "Thy will be done... Your kingdom come... as in Heaven, and also on Earth..." in the most famous prayer of Christians "Our Father".



Chapter 28

The need to change the way religion works

In a previous book on essenceism, I showed that most of the world's religions, especially those with huge followers, have departed from their main missions. It is about a lack of education about the mechanisms of evil, a clear demonstration of eternity in man, and failure to work for salvation, which can only be achieved through the efforts of people. It is a great mistake especially to look for the second appearance of the Son of God through His descent from heaven. Mankind's Savior must be born on Earth, just as Adam and Jesus were. It is precisely to act for such a scenario that should be the duty of the world's religions, that is, their main mission at all times and places. Otherwise, the situation may repeat itself two thousand years ago.

In my work, I appeal to the clergy not to be servants of God, but servants of people explaining the necessity of working together for salvation. According to essenceism, such activity is necessary to free us from the reign of evil. Meanwhile, the analysis of the activity of great religions presented here showed the direction of their activities contrary to the above appeal. They should stop expecting that only God alone will save without human participation, for that will never happen.

Passivity and a focus on your interests have led many religions astray. So let's fix your mistakes. The main one is proclaiming that God knows evil and therefore knows what to do with our evil reality. They are waiting for God to do everything "over our heads." Another mistake is creating for your needs a definition of God's Providence that matches the nature of individual religious denominations and subjectively adapting to the needs of the faithful the modified concept of God's Justice and God's Mercy. Continuing to maintain such passivity and teach about the upcoming Final Judgment or the end of the world leads to the realization of the black scenario for humanity, which I wrote in this study. I also repeat constantly and appeal to religious leaders to clearly indicate the personal source of evil. It is about putting the same effort in demonstrating the existence of Satan that these religions display when proclaiming the existence of God. Such a clear vision of the existence of a strong source of both good and evil can help people understand their daily existence, especially in a situation where evil has easier access to it than good. Religions should also not forget about the functioning in us of the fallen nature associated with the source of evil, because this fact is one of the main reasons for destroying the efforts of humanity in the process of shaping good civilization.

Shifting the burden of activities of individual religions to spectacular ceremonies, traditional pilgrimages, public performances or beautiful collective meetings of supporters leads to diversion of people's interest in the opposite direction than the main purpose of religion explained in this study. If such action will continue to be a daily occupation of clergy of all denominations, it will lead to a complete disappearance of the true meaning of religion in global society.


Chapter 29

Where do we live according to essenceism?

To answer the above question, you need to imagine the current state of the universe based on the following figure obtained from the Internet.

4. big-bang_2a_Univers Beggning_ENG

It is a graphic image of the universe as a structure existing in a certain environment. In this structure, identified with time-space, all the material and energy forms known to us exist (for example, dark energy, dark matter or elementary particles) and all the laws of the natural sciences.

This structure appeared at some point, as if out of nowhere. This moment was called the Big Bang. However, this was not a phenomenon of an explosion known to us that arises in space-time. I would call this phenomenon more implosion (the reverse of the explosion), resulting from the transformation of the primary energy existing in the sphere beyond time and space into matter and different forms of energy filling the expanding space-time.

Our universe seems to have emerged from the sphere beyond time and space, and now it "floats" or "stuck" in it. This is the best way to imagine the present state of all things.

This is the beginning of the analysis of the state of the universe that surrounds us according to essenceism.

Our Earth is, of course, part of the cosmos. The question is, what part of it? Unfortunately, very small, almost unimaginably insignificant. On the other hand, we feel as if we were alone in the entire cosmos, aspiring to the position of rulers of omnipotence. From the physical point of view, such a total rule of the universe is absurd. It looks completely different from the point of view of man's spirituality, or the eternal existence of his spiritual person. However, this is a topic that has been considered "theological" until now. However, essenceism attempts to capture it in a new way. It is about belonging the second, eternal part of our life to the sphere beyond time and space, that is to the spiritual world. I write about it in two themes in this study, i.e. in the chapters: "The spiritual world" and "spiritual beings".

From this reasoning it follows that man, as an eternal spiritual person, can actually penetrate without limitations of time and space to any place covering both the universe and the sphere outside it. Thus, the spiritual person lives as a ubiquitous citizen of both space-time and spheres beyond time and space. In this situation, we can actually feel like the rulers of the universe or like gods. Anyway, deriving from the Original Being, that is, from the "theological" Creator, we inherit from him the attributes of eternity and omnipresence. It is a very building knowledge, though it does not take into account the existence of evil. I write about it on my website

The following topics in this study explain in more detail what the surrounding state of the universe is according to essenceism.


Chapter 30

My reality analysis

My analysis of reality serves to create a coherent system explaining as many as possible concepts, which in sum make up the name essenceism. In this study of the great dose of subjectivism, I adopted the principle of maintaining the maximum objectivity. I try to lead them without emotions, although it is very difficult to use scientific methods in it. However, it is necessary so that it is neither a religion nor a philosophy. It is the field of nonphysical research, which is a noetics concept, but in the sense of an objective scientific study. However, I cannot present here a scientific proof for the existence of God and the spiritual world, because classical science, due to the lack of appropriate tools, cannot deal with such issues.  For this, I can present in a scientific way a logical way to understand the possibility of the Creator's existence. That is why I am preparing a set of tools that become the individual principles that make up the essenceism system. It constitute a coherent and logical set of rules adapted to study phenomena happening at the border of space-time and the sphere beyond time and space. I present it at the other chapter

In the field I present, I use not only the terms: infinity, non-locality, uncertainty, extraordinariness, but also such as: ubiquity, uniqueness, unearthness, spirituality, indifference and previously unused originality. Some of them already have their meaning in other areas of life, but I redefine their scope in the essenceism concept I use. I present its basic principles and laws at the other chapter.

On the Internet, in various fields of interest, at conferences organized by serious institutions, these topics can be discussed only within a given religion, religious organization or philosophical trend.  It is still difficult to find truly independent, free from established dogmas or unencumbered by the current concept of research leading to the confirmation of the existence of the spiritual reality and God Himself.  Because of this, it is not worth leaving them to researchers of known denominations, propagators of the idea of religious sects of dubious reputation or, worse, religious fanatics.

Essenceism is also a system that explores the lives of each of us in the dimension of eternity. It does not take into account any prejudices resulting from the widespread views.

In this text I use both the concepts of the spiritual world and the spiritual universe, and sometimes I also use the term spiritual reality. Because of the nonphysical nature of this reality, that is, its existence beyond time and space, it does not matter if I use the name world or the spiritual universe.

Why is this field of research so important? The answer should be very simple. If we understand that beyond our physical life, which is on average less than a hundred years old, there is still the second part of our life in the spiritual world that will last forever, the answer is self-evident. We have to realize that our life eternity is the most important thing for us. It's really worth knowing what rights and rules will apply in your next life. That should be the need of every human being. Of course, to learn something that is beyond time and space, use tools other than those that we use to study phenomena in the present world.  The reasoning should also be different.  This is not a typical scientific proof, but a string of thought leading to the understanding that eternity exists in us and outside of us.




"Essenceism 1 - God is not from this world" (scientific understanding of God)

"Essenceism 2 - We are from this world" (understanding of man towards God)

"Essenceism 3 - Evil is from this world" (understanding of evil)

"Essenceism 4 – Vision not from this world" (understanding of salvation)

"Essenceism 5 – Eternity is not from this world"(understanding of eternity)

"Essenceism 6 – Unreal gods from this world" (understanding of religions)

Autor Essenceizm

analytical system of understanding the existence of God, the spiritual world and man's eternity

Author - Janusz Mazur

Essenceism -

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