Chapter 5

How was the universe created?

In this part, I try to give to a science the starting point to look for Those who was before the rise of the universe. I want to show a simple way to "look" at what was before the Big Bang.

At the beginning there was nothing ... or everything was beyond time and space…


And it happened. There was a beginning ... The universe was created...


Was this the beginning of the Big Bang? Probably yes! It was a gigantic transformation of energy into matter.

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Twentieth century scientific discoveries regarding the origins of the universe and its current state significantly contributed to a new understanding of the possibility of God's existence. It all began with the concept of space-time, which defined the universe anew. The universe was presented as a certain spatial structure limited in time. It contained various states of matter and transforming forms of energy. In this structure, the time turned out to be variable depending on the speed of the observer's movement. Then came the discovery of the phenomenon of the expansion of the universe, and thanks to that the fact that it once began his existence was realized. In this search, as many as 13.8 billion years have been withdrawn. It was assumed that the beginning could be the Big Bang.

Now, I propose one more step back to explore what or who was the cause of this cosmic event.

Scientists, even those who claim that the universe was made of nothing, must admit that before that there must have been some laws, today covered by the notion of classical physics, quantum physics or astrophysics. In addition, it was shown that the Big Bang had a specific course that they were able to determine. So "something" was before the Big Bang, because it was not the "producer" of these rights himself. The existence of a primordial energy also seems logical. It can be identified with the concept of "biblical" chaos that preceded the creation of the world. Either way, the universe was created, it means that it was possible. My analysis shows that it could be a function of an intelligent source, or the First Cause. I called Him Original Being.

Thus, when analyzing the origin of the universe and its subsequent expansion, we can see that it must have arisen from this initial indeterminate energy, as well as everything that surrounds us. We are dealing with an inexhaustible and infinite source of the universe. This source, or energy in its original state, still eludes the laws of quantum physics and astrophysics, not to mention that it cannot be described by the laws of classical physics. It emerges from the sphere beyond time and space, a bit like the Big Bang, as if it was the beginning of the universe. When it is a pure, unprocessed primary energy, it fills the sphere beyond time and space. At the same time, in the form of dark energy, it continues to function as a building block of matter in the universe. At this point, my "metaphysical" thesis appears that it can be all-pervasive and omnipresent, just as the First Cause, God-Creator, we seek for. Can we then be called the Energy of the First Cause which is the basic attribute of the Original Being? Yes. That's how I understand it. Hence the conclusion about the concrete existence of the One who is the "owner" of this Energy - the Original Being. One has to go one step further. His second, equally basic attribute should be the source of laws and principles existing in Him. This second necessity is necessary for the analysis of his existence to be possible at all.

From that moment, I treat the Energy of the First Cause as the creative building block of the universe that originates from the Creator. This leads to a rational statement that God created the universe from Himself. I therefore give a definition according to which energy in its original state is the basic material of all things. In my opinion, this is the only "physical" attribute of the Creator. I accept it as a researcher of the laws of the universe, a physicist and rationalist. In this I see the right beginning to understand the existence of the First Cause as a logical necessity.

The most interesting for the researcher seeking the existence of God is the boundary between the sphere beyond time and space and the area of ​​space-time, that is, between non-material and material existence. On the other side of this border unknown to us there is the First Cause with all of its attributes, and the whole visible universe with us. In other words, humanity with its scientific research tools is on one physical side. So it sees everything unilaterally. This is best demonstrated by the limited perception of the already mentioned Big Bang considered the beginning of the existence of the universe. This theory of its starting point makes sense only in the case of a physical universe occurring in its result. In the meantime, it should concern two parallel realities: physical and spiritual. This means that from the point of view of the observer placed in the sphere beyond the time and space of this Big Bang, it was not there at all, because in this sphere there are no specific places or time does not pass. Therefore, I am not disputing about whether this event has happened at all, and how it should be perceived. For now, we know quite well what happened after it. However, we still have no idea what was in front of him, and science does not even try to ask such a question, with tools that are not useful for studying phenomena beyond time and space. However, it is worth remembering that people have created science and do not always have to adhere to its limitations. Therefore, however, we can ask ourselves what was originally in front of it. The attempt to answer leads inevitably to the conclusion that only Someone with gigantic primary energy could cause the Big Bang and that the decision to initiate it could also come from Him. If He did it, creating a physical reality, He not only transformed the Original Energy into matter, but also had to transfer the law and principles found in Himself to the emerging universe. Only by applying this perspective, we can talk about the total participation of the First Cause in the creation of the world and humanity.


Chapter 6

How was the man created?

The question contained in the title is asked by almost every person in a slightly different form, that is: who am I? Everyone can easily answer this question. But this study is not about profession, social status or human gender. It is more about our humanity. The question: who is man, it concerns the category of being assigned to humanity. Such a question is very rarely asked by people, and I get the impression that they are even less likely to find the answer.

In this study, the term human can be understood as two slightly different terms. One applies to modern man living on our planet. He can be called an ordinary man or, as some religions define him, a fallen man. Let us, however, stay with the term: modern man. The second term refers to the proper man, i.e. the one who should inhabit the Earth. For research purposes, this may be a theoretical man, although the first part of the study on essenceism shows that it should be. I will call him the right man.

Who are we, people? Among many different answers, one seems to me the most important, because it allows people to be treated as subjects in search of the truth about the universe, in learning about the First Cause, or about the true sense of human existence. This answer is: we are not animals.

Man can create virtually everything in his mind, like a virtual world in which everything functions according to his will and according to the rules and laws he has established. He can move freely in such a reality, realize his dreams and be happy in it. He can freely create any worlds in his mind and have experiences similar to real ones in them. It may even lose control over this imaginary world, moreover, lose control over itself and fall into mental illness. Yes, because we are not animals. We are not actually part of nature, although our physical body is associated with it.

When we talk to another person, we are not talking to its skin and bones, but to someone who is inside. We feel that our words flow somewhere deep into our listener and enrich his knowledge. This and a thousand other things that people can do, completely differentiate us from animals.

In this study I am trying to show that man is a separate category of being in the universe. This is indicated by the widely developed human personality and his incredible civilization achievements in a very short time in relation to the age of the universe.

From the outside, we can see that we're a bit like animals. By eating natural products, sleeping regularly and performing various physiological activities, we are similar to animals. But immediately after these activities, our resemblance to animals ends. This is because our body, which is so similar in structure to animals, is guided by our inner personality. This personality treats the physical body as a tool to exist in the physical world. At a time when animals perform all activities with all their being, man uses his body as a plane for the existence of his internal, physically invisible personality.

The physical side of a person can be called a physical person. This person is our physical body endowed with the instinct for life, which is something like a physical mind. Essenceism demonstrates that our physical body must be controlled by our inner management nature, which can be called the physical soul. In this case, a physical person is a physical being similar to an animal being, but at the highest stage of development. As in the case of animals, a physical person is closely connected with the nature that surrounds us and complies with all laws applicable in nature. And like all physical beings, a natural person must die within a certain time.

The basic difference between humans and animals is that for an animal, physical death is its definitive end to existence, and for man is different. Well, for a man, the end of a physical person's duration does not mean the end of his existence. The next difference between a physical person and even the most developed representative of the animal world lies in the different sense of their existence. This can be described by a simple statement. The sense of life of an animal is to serve a physical person of man, and the sense of existence of our physical person is to serve a spiritual person.

A human body endowed with physical senses, i.e. a physical person, is most often a means of transport and a mechanism for moving our inner personality in the physical world. This inner personality or other inner being can be called a spiritual person and it seems that she is the right person. This fact can be felt, for example, in the old saying: "there is no living spirit" to describe the fact that there is no one in the room.

This inner being within us directs our lives as if the right person was functioning within our physical body. That is why it is worth calling him a spiritual person.

Our "physicality" is actually sticking to the laws of nature and social laws during physical life. Physical, biological or climatic conditions deprive man of virtually freedom, though only in its physical understanding. We need to breathe, eat, sleep, maintain a proper body temperature, and meet dozens of other conditions to stay alive, although we must eventually die. There are also social, geographical and even political conditions. In general, we are not free in the physical world.

Meanwhile, man feels a free being. This freedom, of course, is in our spirituality and is a basic attribute of man. In fact, only our spiritual person is fully free, not a physical person. Fortunately, it is the spiritual person who is the right person, because all our value is in it. This is what distinguishes us from animals and what determines our humanity.

Such realization that we are not animals should lead everyone to understand other important facts, that is, to the reality of the spiritual world, and then to our eternity. All to be a real man.

I am not going to convince anyone "by force" that we have an immortal personality, that there is a world beyond time and space, and that God can be a Original Being. I can't do it the same way I couldn't convince someone that there is an infinite universe, indivisible elementary particles, or dark energy. Knowledge of all this gradually penetrates human consciousness, gradually expanding the scope of our cognition.

I invite you simply to experience the true humanity on the pages of this study.


Chapter 7

Man towards the Original Being

Each authentic creator should have an unbreakable bond with his work. The more an author is involved in his creative act, the more he is associated with it. The most committed artist wants to reflect all his skills and emotions in his work, just himself. It is in the case of God that His action is most often a creative process. This is how He shapes the future. If He already does something and decides it is good, it defines the state of perfection and sets the standard for it. It is best then to name it God's Law (written in capital letters) to emphasize its uniqueness and eternal validity. Throughout this study, I call God's Law what reached people parallel to the laws of nature. We have known them for centuries, sometimes intuitively, and sometimes taking them from spiritually open-minded religious visionaries, whose teachings really brought only good with them.

It has survived to the present day as dogmas or commandments selectively applied by various world religions. Until one asks for a divine constitution that could be a full and universal interpretation of God's law.

It is known that every creator should have recipients of his work in order to feel joy in the achieved goal. This is what God "lacked" in the creation of His work of creation. Hence the idea of ​​man must have been in His plans from the very beginning. With it in him, all his creative activities had a specific purpose. Until the moment of creating man, although he had everything, ruled over everything, everything was under him, he was still alone. Only someone equal to Him, of course on an individual scale, should properly accept His work and rejoice with Him. Thus, the full achievement of the goal of creation can be ensured by the Creator only eternal and perfect people - children of God - immortal partners of His love and joy. Has it finally happened? Unfortunately, not yet.

So in the current situation, it is important to understand that there are three important problems to solve that we have been grappling with for thousands of years. It is about the creation of the universe, the phenomenon of the appearance of life and the existence of man in the natural environment. These three issues fall within the scope of the creative work done by the Original Being discussed here.

I spoke about the origin of the universe at the beginning of this study. Now I will just remind you that the creation of the universe consisted in implanting the Divine Spirituality into the Energy which is an externalizing material at the disposal of the Creator. It was as if His “Breath” was introduced into the all-existing Energy. The creation of man proceeded in an analogous manner. It was then that the Creator “breathed” an element of His Personality, that is, the beginning of the spiritual person of man, into the biological organism constituting the human body. This is how we, the children of the Creator, and also the inhabitants of His universe appeared. Therefore, essenceism reminds us that the Original Being gave man the dignity of the master of all things and made him His partner.


Chapter 8

Man towards the universe

Man's position in relation to all-creation can be better understood on the basis of two patterns of creating all things. The first of them concerns the entire universe, to which I include everything in the universe, including animals, and from which I exclude humans for now. This creation diagram shows a simple and direct transition from God's law to its embodiment as a specific being that I simply called "being." The second scheme, which in the religious description can be described with the sentence: "The word becomes flesh", concerns only man. It is a multi-step transition from the Heart of God, then through His Law, and then through the Word, which is an expression of His Desires and Will. It ends with the embodiment of His Word in the form of a "body", that is, the emergence of each new person "in His Image and likeness". This is the fundamental and at the same time colossal difference between people and all the rest of the universe. Because of this, I call man a child of God.

So who is man in relation to nature?

He is definitely its manager. He is someone who shapes and rules the world around him, no matter how he does it. It can be concluded that he aspires to be the "collective god" of the Earth. He would also like to extend his authority to further zones in the surrounding cosmos. This should lead to man becoming the master of all things.

Numerous scientific, popular science, literary and even religious studies recognize man as part of nature. For many, this concept is as obvious as absolute truth. Essenceism presents the controversial view here that it is not humanity that is part of the universe, but that the universe is part of humanity. Strictly speaking, it is part of the human environment, the physical one, because the child of God has a second, infinitely large "environment", called the sphere beyond time and space, i.e. the spiritual world.

From my system it follows that the physical universe and the spiritual world emerged from the Original Being. Therefore, descriptively, it can be said that the universe is part of it. At the same time, essenceism constantly emphasizes that in the face of all creation, man is a separate being existing in connection with the Creator. Of course, our physical body is part of nature. However, both it and the entire physical universe play only a temporal and servant role in bringing the spiritual person to perfection, that is, to take the position of the master of all creation at the side of the Creator. This statement is one of the main ideas of essenceism.

We discovered various laws that have always existed in nature. We admire the complex structures functioning in the cosmos, we learn the secrets of elementary particles and the transformation of various forms of energy. All the time it is accompanied by respect for the mysterious vastness of the universe. We feel even greater respect for the mysterious laws of the sphere beyond time and space. We are surrounded by the universe for which we are not an indifferent point in interplanetary space. It is quite the opposite. As a result of giving man a dominant position in the universe, he became responsible for his eternal existence. This was to be the case in the original plans of the Creator, and it will happen someday when the ideal world is created on Earth.

For this reason, we are all successors of the Original Being who gave meaning to the development of the universe. He created various forms of matter and life, bringing them to perfection. On their basis, we can build new, more complex structures and concepts. At the same time, starting with the creation of the first people, there was a parallel active creativity on our part. According to the Bible, the Creator, after bringing man into life, "rested", that is, as if He limited His active participation in the creation of the universe. Everything was initially prepared for the next phase - human activity. After many years, in the twenty-first century, we observe the development of civilization around us, performed exclusively by man. This is our legacy, this is our "daily bread" inherited from the Creator. We will develop His work endlessly, following His methods, for this is the role of His successors.

The Lord of all things cannot exist hidden somewhere in the recesses of the cosmos, although his physical person must mature in some place. As an eternally existing entity, man cannot be limited in his life to a scrap of the universe on planet Earth. Therefore, in the form of a spiritual person, he should move freely and unfettered throughout the entire universe. It is only necessary to bring this spiritual person to perfection.




"Essenceism 1 - God is not from this world" (scientific understanding of God)

"Essenceism 2 - We are from this world" (understanding of man towards God)

"Essenceism 3 - Evil is from this world" (understanding of evil)

"Essenceism 4 – Vision not from this world" (understanding of salvation)

"Essenceism 5 – Eternity is not from this world"(understanding of eternity)

"Essenceism 6 – Unreal gods from this world" (understanding of religions)

Autor Essenceizm

analytical system of understanding the existence of God, the spiritual world and man's eternity

Author - Janusz Mazur

Essenceism -

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