Chapter 11

Man and other spiritual beings

In this chapter, I would like to organize the vocabulary of spiritual beings and define the main concepts associated with them as far as possible.

At the beginning, of course, I take into account the Original Entity, i.e. the Source for all beings. Until now, I have avoided this name for the Original Being to define God, but now I return to it to better explain the position of other spiritual beings towards Him.

Secondly, I mention an existing being, that is, a man whom I previously called an eternal being. This eternity also applies to all other spiritual beings, but man is a special category of being, the closest to the Original Being. It is worth realizing that the appearance of man meant the emergence of a completely new category in the universe. There were probably other spiritual beings before its creation. Middle Eastern religions have given them the name of angels.

Man's uniqueness is due to the fact that the Creator "personally" breathed into him a part of His Personality. This means that in the form of a spiritual person, He transferred a part of Himself to him. It is a sign of God's direct presence at the birth of every human being. From that moment on, a period of growth begins for him. At the same time, for God it is a time of waiting for a person to reach personal perfection, which is associated with the full experience of child, marital and parental love. These should be the stages of man's development in order to be capable of partnership in the light of God's highest love. This gives Him the opportunity to experience eternal happiness in the spiritual world - the eternal life environment for both the Original Being and man.

The three types of love mentioned above are therefore the three stages leading to the perfect love, which the Original Being has in itself. Anyway, the entire physical world was created precisely for the purpose that man, experiencing the three types of emotional experiences on Earth, could eventually reach the level of God's love. Thus, the human being, as the only one in all creation, undergoes the full path of development formed for him by the Creator. Man is to become a mature master of all things, a being who lives eternally with the Heavenly Father, remaining eternally His beloved child.

Next, I list the beings that support man, that is, the spiritual beings called angels. I do not know much about the "structure" of the world of angels, so I will focus only on the basic issues. The existence of several archangels, for example, Michael, Gabriel, and even Lucifer, is described in the Bible, which I respect as an important resource to help us understand spiritual phenomena. It seems logical that, apart from the archangels, there are a huge number of angels who are apparently necessary to the Creator and to man. My guess is that these "ordinary" angels are tasked with looking after specific people, while the role of archangels is to perform various missions entrusted to them by the Creator.

In the case of angels, we have inherited the ancient religious vision of so-called heaven. Besides, in most cultures there is a tendency to create a fairy-tale image of the spiritual world, which can be seen in the case of ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. That is why Christians, in response to poor Judaism in this respect, created a mythology about angelic choirs, about golden trumpets on which they play for God's glory, and about a mystical circle surrounding the throne of God. This vision of heaven has survived to this day. It replaces many people with the true picture of angels' activities. In fact, they should be seen as active assistants to people in the process of achieving personal perfection. God does not really need angels to play trumpets and sing praises to Him. He created them in order to take care of people, His children, and also to convey His Will to them, especially during their life on Earth. I think almost all of them are our guardians who guide us throughout our lives. At its end, their role is to introduce us to the spiritual world. Then they can be called angels of death. I suppose they are still the same spiritual guardians we receive at birth.

Angels are beings that God intended to exist only in the spiritual world. They have the personality of a servant, knowledge resulting from observation of the process of creating the universe and an awareness open to the needs of the implementation of tasks both from the Creator and from people. They also have, like us, an inner character that can be called a "spiritual soul". In their inner character there is a considerable level of intelligence, will and affection, but it certainly does not rise to the level of these attributes in man. Of course, we are talking about a man who has achieved the level of personal perfection intended for him by the Creator. But their knowledge of the spiritual world is incomparably greater than that of people.

Therefore, angels are spiritual beings who are servants of both God and man. It follows that their ministry began with the appearance of the first humans, such as Adam and Eve, who were to inhabit the physical world from that moment on. So their ministry extends to all generations of mankind. In addition, in the spiritual world they perform their parallel mission towards spiritual persons, a little similar in its sense to that of animals and all nature on Earth towards physical persons. Comparing the position of angels and animals towards people, it can be stated that the spiritual person of man is a more perfect spiritual being than an angel, and his physical person is a more perfect being than an animal. In sum, during earthly life, angels support the development of human consciousness of knowing love, beauty and goodness. At the same time, in the spiritual world, their mission is to prepare spiritual people coming there from the physical world for eternal life.

An angel is in a sense a "poorer" version of a spiritual person, because he does not need a physical person for his development. He is not a fully person, because he does not have a formed gender, and above all, he cannot directly, like a human being, experience childhood, marital and parental love.

There is an even more important and fundamental difference between humans and angels. For man is God's representative in the entire universe, inheriting from Him all the attributes of divinity, and above all, His highest level of love. Meanwhile, the angel takes the position of a servant with whom love is actually realized on the level of fidelity.

To illustrate the difference between the position of people and angels even better, I will compare the process of creating love and thoughts in man. Love flows from our entire being and is the maximum expression of our personality. Meanwhile, the thought coming out of us does not require the involvement of our entire personality, but only the use of intellect in building a certain concept that serves a specific purpose. Love is the highest and maximum fruit of human activity, while thought is the common mode of human functioning. The same principle governs the lineage of humans and angels. Man is the maximum fruit of God's Emotionality, while an angel is a being representing a narrow sphere of tasks assigned to him by the Creator. This clearly defines the role they play in His world.

To sum up, the angel reaches his level of perfection and knowledge, living only in the spiritual world, which does not give him the opportunity to follow the path of development that people follow. On the other hand, human development takes place during earthly life, and reaching personal perfection takes place according to the emotionality, intelligence and will shaped in him, which he inherits from the Original Being. After passing the full period of development to perfection in the physical world, a person is already a spiritual being with a status higher than an angel in the spiritual world. He becomes God's partner.








 Essenceism -

This is an analytical system that was created to understand the existence of God, the spiritual world and the eternity of man and which shaped the Theory of Eternal Existence - Author

This is the contents of the books about the system essenceism that shaped:

 the Theory of Eternal Existence    and the  Outline of Theory of Eternal Eexistence

1. Essenceism 1 - “God is not from this world”- (scientific understanding of God)

 2. Essenceism 2 - “We are from this world”- (understanding the role of man in relation to God)

 3. Essenceism 3 - “Evil is from this world”- (understanding of evil)

 4. Essenceism 4 - “Vision not from this world”- (understanding of salvation)

 5. Essenceism 5 - “Eternity is not from this world”- (understanding of eternity)

 6. Essenceism 6 - “Unreal gods from this world”- (understanding of religions)

  7. Essenceism 7 - “Love from this and not from this world- (understanding of love)

  8. Essenceism 8 - “Reality from this and not from this world- (understanding of reality)