Chapter 15

God does not participate in life on Earth

Believing in God's omniscience, justice, or mercy does not necessarily help us understand God's activity in our world that we are expecting. It causes regret more often when, as we expect, He does not help us in suffering or is deaf to our prayers. Many people lost faith under these conditions and rejected the possibility of the existence of God. Essenceism wants to sincerely explain to such people that their expectations are wrong. Unfortunately, disappointed people are not satisfied with the "brutal" truth that God does not participate in the life of mankind, and all such expectations result from their inadequate knowledge, which is passed on to them by clergymen of various religious denominations.

The task of essenceism is to "non-violently" explain to people who God is, where He is and what His activity is. The introduction to this task is the fact that the Original Being is the Absolute, Eternity, Perfection, and therefore also absolute Good. Essenceism, assuming such an assumption, must claim that God knows no evil. So it is dealing with something difficult for many people to accept. In addition, the concept of essenceism entails further claims that also contradict the general belief in the omniscience, goodness and justice of the "typical" God. It is primarily about His absence in the life of mankind. Meanwhile, His presence among us is described in numerous religious books and in the teaching of various religious denominations. After analyzing these teachings in essenceism, it comes to the conclusion that people believe in the so-called imaginary God.

Thus, as a result of these logical analyzes, essenceism must conclude that God cannot interfere with our evil civilization, called hell. It's just anti-divine. So it is not difficult to answer the question why God does not interfere in evil? The answer is obvious. God cannot interfere with what He has not created or else He would have taken responsibility for the fall of man and for the present world that He never had in His plans. If a perfect Creator were to join the imperfect state of a given situation, he would give it the status of perfection, which is contrary to His principles. Essenceism constantly shows that God's perfection cannot be modified by imperfect people, even if they use the concept of God's mercy in this matter. So essenceism had to say that the Creator cannot acknowledge the origin of evil, that is, it does not know it and does not analyze it. In a direct sense, it is also not a participant in our civilization. We have entered the evil zone, and the Creator has lost sight of us for a while and is still waiting for us. In His Kingdom that exists beyond time and space, time does not pass, while we do not have enough time to achieve perfection. For a realm where time passes, it does not matter whether a person will achieve perfection in 80 years, in 8,000 years, or even in 80,000 years.

The statement that God does not know evil may come as a shock to those who believe that He is all-knowing, that is, He knows everything. Although religions present such a God, essenceism insists that the scope of His omniscience has an exception to the state of existence of evil. This state is an abyss that cannot exist for Him. From this it follows that, apart from God, a new, or unknown to Him, reality has arisen. It is like a cancer "attached" to the original world planned by the Creator. This is how you can imagine hell.

In this situation, it should not come as a surprise to say that God does not participate in the lives of people on Earth. This means that although He is, it is as if He did not exist. Our world, which I have called hell, is still dominated by the "lord of this world," as Jesus Christ called Satan. I take it for granted that God cannot get involved in hell, that is, He cannot work in the same place as Satan. Hence He is not with us. Assigning God a share of the world under Satan's rule is wrong and represents a fundamental lack of understanding of the Creator Personality.

Therefore, it is good to realize that God does not observe our behavior, does not judge us on an ongoing basis, and does not wait with penalties after our death for those who have done something contrary to His laws. He is not our caretaker or policeman, but rather a perfectly good and loving Father. Not only do we suffer in satanic bondage, many religions “accuse” God of preparing additional punishments and sufferings for His children after the end of earthly life. One must absolutely not feel Our Father's Heart to spread such ideas. Any punishments and suffering felt after entering the spiritual world are our remorse when we realize our mistakes and sins committed in our physical life. For those who still have any doubts about the Creator's reaction to our entry into the spiritual world, I recommend the parable of the prodigal son. In it, Jesus showed how Heavenly Father's unconditional love works. Not only does He not punish anyone for their sins, but He joyfully welcomes everyone's return to Him. God knows only good, so He does not introduce into His knowledge our bad past in the physical world.

Introducing false information to people's awareness that God knows evil is worth considering as one of the greatest successes of the "master of this world". Satan somehow managed to "degenerate" the image of the Creator in the eyes of people. It has happened in almost all religions around the globe. The oldest tribes created warlike, vengeful gods who stood on either side of the conflict. Egyptian, Greek and Roman gods were involved in human affairs full of evil, wrongs and false justice. The so-called tribal gods had their chosen nations, and the so-called biblical or Koranic gods ruled the people (sorry for the term) with a stick and a carrot. These gods generously distributed privileges to the rulers "by God's grace", they recognized the people's chosen ones, who later became the object of worship. They also allowed the inquisition to burn innocent people, accepted sacrifices for "redeeming wrongdoing", and ruled everyone with their "divine providence." As I emphasized before, this state is one of the major successes of the one who, since the events in the Garden of Eden, has been the father of lies.

The "religious" misunderstanding of the present situation is greatly influenced by the lack of proper knowledge of God's Providence. I remind you that according to essenceism, it means the existence of original laws and principles derived from the Creator. They have the character of a signpost that is to show people the way to personal perfection, and to the whole world to the state of the Kingdom of Heaven. This fact is misunderstood in all monotheistic religions such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Treating God's Providence as the "general" care of the Creator over mankind, or control over the universe, is a complete misunderstanding. Rather, it is due to the wishful attitude of most religions that people follow their doctrines. Such an imaginary image of God has been invented for centuries by various clergy and theologians, certainly not inspired by God. If there was any inspiration, it was rather from the opponent of God and people, i.e. Satan.

Many doctorates, millions of books and countless sermons have been preached in various temples around the world on the subject of God's presence in the life of mankind on Earth as His Providence. Meanwhile, humanity continues to suffer because of the evil that exists.

Incorrect understanding of God's participation in life on Earth, unfortunately, affects the understanding of the phenomenon of salvation. The most popular form of it is that one day God will decide to put an end to our fallen civilization. As a result of His decision, there should be the so-called end of the world, combined with the coming of the Savior. This highly effective version of the judgment on mankind is reproduced in various ways by religions such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and other smaller denominations. Unfortunately, such an approach only causes people to expect an unknown future, sometimes fear of hell, and above all, lack of responsibility for the implementation of this important process. For thousands of years we have been nourished by religions by the promise of salvation made by God himself, that is, the creation of an ideal world.

Currently, religions invariably convince people that the fate of mankind depends on an independent decision of God and on the action of His Providence. This form of repairing the world can be classified as a miracle in which people believe very much, recognizing their powerlessness against evil. While waiting for this miracle, they believe that the miracle of the creation of the world was first. Then, when with our participation the evil was introduced that prevented the creation of an ideal world, another miracle took place in the form of the appearance of Jesus Christ. It was He who was supposed to miraculously save us from the existing evil. When the chosen people rejected His efforts as Savior, we again wait for the miracle of salvation accomplished by God Himself. This "blinding" of salvation onto the "shoulders" of God is at the heart of the teaching of most religions.

So, until we understand that the Father of mankind is absolute good and that he knows no evil, we will "place" Him in the same place as his opposite, Satan. If we do not take it for granted that the Creator does not participate in life on Earth, then we will continue to live in our earthly hell. Therefore, you need to change this state and start acting exactly as Jesus Christ showed. In His prayer called "Our Father" He made it clear that Heavenly Father is in Heaven, not on Earth. He also explained that His Kingdom can come only when we do His Will, or His Laws. It means salvation by people led by the Son of God.







 Essenceism -

This is an analytical system that was created to understand the existence of God, the spiritual world and the eternity of man and which shaped the Theory of Eternal Existence - Author

This is the contents of the books about the system essenceism that shaped:

 the Theory of Eternal Existence    and the  Outline of Theory of Eternal Eexistence

1. Essenceism 1 - “God is not from this world”- (scientific understanding of God)

 2. Essenceism 2 - “We are from this world”- (understanding the role of man in relation to God)

 3. Essenceism 3 - “Evil is from this world”- (understanding of evil)

 4. Essenceism 4 - “Vision not from this world”- (understanding of salvation)

 5. Essenceism 5 - “Eternity is not from this world”- (understanding of eternity)

 6. Essenceism 6 - “Unreal gods from this world”- (understanding of religions)

  7. Essenceism 7 - “Love from this and not from this world- (understanding of love)

  8. Essenceism 8 - “Reality from this and not from this world- (understanding of reality)