Chapter 18

What is not the essenceism?

Essenceism is not deism, for the Creator maintains an all-time bond with the developing universe through His laws. They function not only in matter and in various forms of energy, but also in the form of His Providence. In addition, through the qualities of His Personality by essenceism in this study, He maintains a direct relationship with the center of the human personality, that is, with our heart. Essenceism tries to show that God, as the Heavenly Father, participates in the birth of every human being. For now, it can be considered as His only direct participation in the phenomena of our world. However, the proper, indirect participation of God consists in the constant appearance in the history of people trying to "replace" His direct action (e.g., prophets, saints, the Messiah, and other people of great faith). The main concept that differentiates essenceism from deism as well as from theism is God's Providence, understood by me as an action of laws and principles aimed at bringing everything, including people, to perfection. It should be added that the "carriers" of God’s Providence may be angels. Only in the case of such an understanding of Providence can one look for the partial similarity of essenceism to theism, though not deism. However, according to essenceism, the limitation of God's actions in our world does not result from His creative concept, but because of the occurrence of evil as a phenomenon arising from Him and separating Him from active participation in human civilization. It is a mistake of deism to abandon the full application of reason analysis and scientific experience, although this should be the assumption of this philosophical direction. Therefore, it did not significantly refine the concept of God, His work, the position of man towards the Creator and the fact of the existence of evil. It did not take advantage of the effects of the work of Jesus Christ, cutting itself off from a deeper, logical analysis of the phenomenon of salvation and revelation.

Essenceism is not theism, because theism does not take into account the faith that interacts with the achievements of science and human intellect in general. Theism treats in a dogmatic way the inability of man to know God. In the matter of God's activity, essenceism, in spite of theism, shows that our Creator does not know evil and does not participate directly in the life of the present world. Essenceism shows that actually God does not know the fallen world, does not observe him, does not analyze events on Earth, because he is not the creator of the present civilization. Particularly in these above statements, there is a polar difference in understanding the reality between the views of essenceism and theism. God's active presence among people - the domain of theism, is impossible in the light of the views expressed here. This conclusion results from a logical analysis of the state of our world made by essenceism. This means that Divine Providence confines itself to the action of originally established laws and principles that can be used to identify evil and to oppose it. It also means that it stimulates human activity to act for the sake of salvation. Because Divine Providence exists from the beginning and is immutable, it constantly directs human life to the goal of creation. According to essenceism, God is waiting on the "end station" for the result of His Providence. It serves, sometimes with the participation of angels, actively introducing His perfect and lasting rights and principles, leading to the perfection of people and our entire world.

Essenceism is not atheism, but its opposite. Atheists, like essenceism, use logical arguments. However, in contrast to essenceism, they try to negate the sense of faith in God in an aggressive way. Most often, they begin their attacks by pointing out the mistakes that people of faith commit, and by pointing out extreme cases of scandal caused by the immoral behavior of representatives of the clergy of different religions. They would like these arguments to show the non-existence of God. Unfortunately, such reasoning is incorrect because it does not apply to God Himself. Atheists treat science instrumentally, or as a tool to demonstrate the non-scientific nature of religion. For example, they return to outrageous allegations against the followers of the major religions who once thought that the Earth was flat and that the Sun was circling around it. These arguments are supposed to logically explain that God does not exist, the creators of religion are scammers and religion is opium for the people. At the same time, they are very happy to oppose the science of religion, which is completely contrary to the intentions of essenceism.

Essenceism has little to do with Buddhism, because it considers the Original Being as the source of all things. Essenceism clearly emphasizes the existence of substantial and personal evil. Meanwhile, Buddhism treats evil as suffering from which one can free himself by reaching the state of nirvana and obtaining self-enlightenment. Unlike Buddhism, Essenceism points to the Divine Providence mechanism that guides all humanity to the state of perfection originally foreseen by the Creator. Essenceism does not accept the Buddhist concept of reincarnation or any of its variations. On the other hand, he describes the phenomenon of the reappearance of spiritual people in cooperation with people currently living on Earth, that is, their passive presence in physical persons as well as their original spiritual persons.

Essenceism is not gnosis, because its knowledge derives from science and from researching all reality with scientific methods, not on the basis of secret spiritual knowledge. In contrast to gnosis, he treats man as the conscious subject of the universe, being to the God-Creator being in his image and likeness. In the view of Essenceism, human civilization comes from the Good First Cause called the Being of the Flesh, and our present state is the result of a fall, that is, a departure from the original concept of the Creator. The concept of the physical world in the analysis of human civilization refers to our Earth, which is the place of existence of evil. The creator has nothing to do with evil and is not responsible for it. In opposition to gnosis, essenceism claims that the struggle between good and evil is an area of ​​human life unintended by the Creator that affects our physical life. Therefore salvation consists in the return of humanity to the state originally foreseen by the Creator.

Essenceism is not pantheism, because it presents a personal God remaining in the sphere beyond time and space. He describes Him as the First Cause of specific and fundamental qualities such as Intelligence, Will and Sensitivity. Due to the creative concept and the developmental features of space-time, God cannot be identical with this realm. Essenceism proclaims that God can be defined by specific concepts and human imagination. The main attributes of God, that is, independence from nothing (absolute), perfection, eternity, omnipresence, omnipotence and omniscience, can be described in a way that reaches our imagination, despite being associated with the sphere beyond time and space. In summary, God is not directly related to the space-time of the universe, because it is only a transformation of His Primary Energy into a physical form, and thus is not Himself.

Essentially, essenceism is not a religion. It is not a cult. It does not create any religion, because it is only a way to understand the present reality.

Essenceism is rather the opposite of the classical concept of religion, presenting a logical and scientific approach to the question of God's existence.








 Essenceism -

This is an analytical system that was created to understand the existence of God, the spiritual world and the eternity of man and which shaped the Theory of Eternal Existence - Author

This is the contents of the books about the system essenceism that shaped:

 the Theory of Eternal Existence    and the  Outline of Theory of Eternal Eexistence

1. Essenceism 1 - “God is not from this world”- (scientific understanding of God)

 2. Essenceism 2 - “We are from this world”- (understanding the role of man in relation to God)

 3. Essenceism 3 - “Evil is from this world”- (understanding of evil)

 4. Essenceism 4 - “Vision not from this world”- (understanding of salvation)

 5. Essenceism 5 - “Eternity is not from this world”- (understanding of eternity)

 6. Essenceism 6 - “Unreal gods from this world”- (understanding of religions)

  7. Essenceism 7 - “Love from this and not from this world- (understanding of love)

  8. Essenceism 8 - “Reality from this and not from this world- (understanding of reality)