Chapter 22

Analysis of the existence of religious gods

Once upon a time, a long time ago, an image of God was imposed on the human imagination, and it remains in force to this day. From ancient times we have understood that He is present among us, sees everything, knows everything, can do everything and that this situation will not change until the so-called end of the world. We were sure that we existed in His world, under His control. In fact, almost no one questioned that it could be otherwise, and the doubters were treated as people detached from reality. You might think that we lived in some kind of confinement that prevented us from taking a different perspective. Little did we realize that we were not receiving proper knowledge about the True God.

The essenceism system has shown that delusional human visions found in established religions have been incorporated into their doctrines for thousands of years. This means that people unknown to us today invented and then described their visions, which they spread around the world, saying that God himself wrote them. This is how many of the so-called holy books came into being. Since then, their successors have claimed that every word in these texts is sacred, because humans only wrote down what their god dictated to them.

In response to these claims, especially after analyzing the essenceism system, I came to the conclusion that what constitutes the content of many books of world religions was invented by their creators. They were most often the founders of a given religion, hierarchs or its later leaders. This state has accompanied humanity in various forms from the very beginning. In my opinion, what was created by the creators of the so-called holy books, was to some extent inspired by visions coming from the "father of lies", also called the "god of this world", i.e. Satan. He is the one behind the distortion to his advantage of every good idea connecting humanity with its True Father, i.e. our Creator. Then Satan, who as the "god of this world" took the place of the Original Being, knows well that without dominating the largest religions he is unable to maintain his rule over humanity.


The last centuries have brought such great progress in knowledge about the world around us that there is a chance to look for a break in the reality defined according to the old principles. Therefore, the time has come to properly understand the universe in which it is difficult to demonstrate the presence of God described according to the previously applicable rules. Thanks to the significant development of science, which brought a huge development of knowledge about the universe and the structure of matter, humanity began to strive for a fuller understanding of everything related to its existence, including the identity and presence of God. Many people with doubts questioned the truthfulness of the dogmas proclaimed by religious denominations. Especially those who were really looking for God realized that the current teachings of the churches obscured the actual image of Him. Some felt that they were being presented with a so-called delusional god. This may have influenced the popularity of atheism.

Let me remind you that the analysis of essenceism shows that there is no god preached by "Christian scribes" or promoted by other major world religions. In this part of the study, my system tries to point out the misconduct of many religious denominations. Specifically, in this chapter I want to point out the causes and consequences of the main "findings" of Christians.

One of the central Christian directives is that their all-knowing God knows evil. Essenceism strongly contradicts this finding, claiming that an absolutely perfect Creator cannot know or allow a phenomenon that is completely contrary to His concept. It is impossible to "modify" the knowledge of a perfect God with a phenomenon that has nothing to do with Him. This view destroys the image of the True God. The Creator is coherent and perfect in His concept, which essenceism calls good. God does not have a "second bottom" that can take into account His knowledge of the existence of evil. Therefore, essenceism sees in the Christian doctrine that God knows evil the will to transfer to God the responsibility for salvation, which should be the basic responsibility of religious denominations. If Christian leaders accepted the fact that God knows no evil, they would have to try to eliminate evil and Satan themselves. And so, thanks to the theorem they invented, they transferred the responsibility for the most important task of religion from themselves to "their imaginary god." From now on, they only wait for His action in the form of the Last Judgment. In contrast, essenceism showed that God is not a "tool" for eliminating evil that was created as a result of the deviation of Archangel Lucifer and the acceptance of his actions by people.

Zbawienie ludzkości jest na pewno trudnym zadaniem wymagającym doprowadzenia do narodzin na Ziemi Syna Bożego, czyli człowieka bez żadnej zależności od Szatana. Dużo trudniej będzie Go rozpoznać, a jeszcze trudniej poddać się Jego prowadzeniu. Niemniej jednak nie zwalnia to duchownych oraz decydentów religijnych od wzięcia na siebie wszelkich możliwych działań na rzecz uwolnienia ludzkości od zła, a szczególnie do usunięcia z naszej rzeczywistości „władcy tego świata”, Szatana. To, do jakich absurdów prowadzi brak odpowiedzialności ze strony liderów religijnych, pokazała historia odrzucenia Jezusa Chrystusa przez hierarchów religii izraelskiej.

Another, equally important doctrine of Christianity concerns Jesus Christ himself. The creators of this religion came up with the idea that Jesus Christ is God forming the Holy Trinity. Thanks to this, as in the case of God the Father and the Holy Spirit, they transferred to Him the responsibility for saving the world from evil. Meanwhile, according to my system, the key to properly understanding the meaning of what happened two thousand years ago is to realize that Jesus Christ was a perfect man who was beyond the influence of Satan from birth, i.e. the Son of God. Only with such knowledge can one understand the rules of salvation of the world. Jesus clearly represented the concept that it was He, with the support of humanity, who would bring about the salvation of the world. By mobilizing the nation of Israel to support His efforts for salvation, He demonstrated that all people born on Earth have responsibility for the return of all humanity to the Heavenly Father. This means a return to the Kingdom of Heaven, symbolizing the perfect world. It also means the possibility of entering the evil-free sphere of the spiritual world, which in the case of the declaration of the Son of God means entering the paradise opened by Him. Jesus tried to move people to action by explaining to them that the Son of God was a "protective shield" that enabled people to eliminate the evil created by Satan. He wanted to convince people to recognize His leadership on the path to the renewal of humanity. This could lead all people to return to the state that Heavenly Father has prepared for us, that is, to His reality. Symbolically, this would mean the coming of the Kingdom of Heaven, which Jesus promoted so intensively. Unfortunately, subsequent findings of religious doctrines have consolidated and continue to reinforce the phenomenon of people's passivity towards the mission of saving the world from evil.

The essenceism system and the resulting theory of eternal existence were created to give hope to those who had already completely rejected the "religious" god and even became atheists. Perhaps some of them will still find some good will to become interested in the Original Being. This is especially true for those who place their hope in science.

Unfortunately, during the analyses, essenceism discovered, among other things, the fact that most people are not very interested in the topics covered by my studies. The Creator's participation in the creation of the universe, the emergence of biological life and the existence of an intelligent being such as man are not topics in conversations. Most often, we don't think about these issues at all, and when we do speak on them, we feel blindly. In general, we do not understand the existence of God, we do not know the meaning of our lives, we do not take into account the fact that we are eternal. Moreover, we do not realize that we are under the power of Satan. In addition, many of us expect that God himself will decide everything. I hope that my system will lead to "opening your eyes" to the reality of our world.

This "opening of eyes" is primarily associated with understanding the mechanism of evil. As a result of proper identification of evil, our civilization would be freed from slavery to the forces of power, i.e. from the rule of Satan. She would then experience the presence of the Original Being, who could be called "more warmly" Our Father. Essenceism, describing such a God, states that every person faces the prospect of eternal presence in His surroundings as a result of the end of earthly life. Therefore, it is worth taking advantage of this short earthly existence to prepare for the most important, eternal part of our lives.

The goal of essenceism is to provide information and research tools to expand knowledge about God, so that each of us can understand the proper identity of the Creator, and at the same time our own identity. It is also worth noting that essenceism is very limited in referring to the so-called holy books, such as the Bible, the Tipitaka, the Koran, the Book of Mormon, the Uranti Book and many others. He does not refer to any revelations or dogmas of faith.

Essenceism is based on the analysis of phenomena that are available to the human senses. This especially applies to all the latest scientific achievements. However, not only scientific achievements serve this system to find answers to questions that humanity has been asking itself since time immemorial. Essenceism is also a logical analysis of the current state of our civilization and the analysis of various human views, including the analysis of the content of the holy books mentioned above. They should also contain some knowledge, which does not necessarily have to be an act of faith.

Essenceism presents the view that it is time to finally end the inappropriate activities of religion. Some of these activities resemble the typical behavior of commercial companies that want to have as many customers as possible for their "products". It is known from practice that each company prepares its activities in such a way that it serves its interests. Essenceism shows that this phenomenon unfortunately affected decision-makers and hierarchs of major religions, including Christian denominations. By establishing their regulations, dogmas and catechisms and invoking a "religious" point of view that supports the action of the imaginary Holy Spirit, they have led to imposing on people a version of belief in dogmas regarding the main religious concepts. In this way, the Christian god was created "in the image and likeness" of the leaders, hierarchs and theologians of this religion.

This means that these religions quite often rely on imaginary gods because they have noticed that this gives them power over people. Instead of the action of love, we have the power of the clergy over people supported by political power. This is our world, modeled on the rule of Satan, the father of lies.










 Essenceism -

This is an analytical system that was created to understand the existence of God, the spiritual world and the eternity of man and which shaped the Theory of Eternal Existence - Author

This is the contents of the books about the system essenceism that shaped:

 the Theory of Eternal Existence    and the  Outline of Theory of Eternal Eexistence

1. Essenceism 1 - “God is not from this world”- (scientific understanding of God)

 2. Essenceism 2 - “We are from this world”- (understanding the role of man in relation to God)

 3. Essenceism 3 - “Evil is from this world”- (understanding of evil)

 4. Essenceism 4 - “Vision not from this world”- (understanding of salvation)

 5. Essenceism 5 - “Eternity is not from this world”- (understanding of eternity)

 6. Essenceism 6 - “Unreal gods from this world”- (understanding of religions)

  7. Essenceism 7 - “Love from this and not from this world- (understanding of love)

  8. Essenceism 8 - “Reality from this and not from this world- (understanding of reality)