Chapter 29

A scientist's effort to help religion

I recall the generally understandable fact that science deals with the physical, that is, the material, side of reality. From this it follows that it does not deal with the so-called spiritual reality, which is dealt with, for example, in metaphysics, theology or, to some extent, philosophy. However, contrary to this principle, essenceism undertakes to investigate the main "unknowns" of humanity with methods modeled on scientific ones. It is about the phenomenon of the possible existence of God as the Creator of the universe, about the situation of the emergence of life as an impulse probably inherited from Him, and the mysterious appearance of an intelligent being in the universe in His image and likeness, that is, an eternal man, just like Him.

A scientist, the theoretical one, who wants to deal with "unscientific" topics, cannot avoid research with the tools recognized by his colleagues. This applies to all new phenomena, as well as existing ones, should there be any arguments that undermine their truthfulness. To be most objective, work should involve tried and tested working methods. It is worth taking into account the criticism of one's views coming from others and it is obligatory to use self-control when taking the next steps.

Ideally, a scientist should stick to the rules of conduct established from the outset, which he could only change if his basic assumptions turned out to be false. An important step, perhaps ahead of all others, should be to create a sample research model that shows the ultimate goal of the research. Of course, this model can be quite theoretical, inspired only by your imagination or intuition. Then the scientist (still the ideal one) should choose specific tools adapted to his research. He should also examine their condition, that is, check whether they are "clean", in other words simple and understandable by others. It should also be added that when undertaking an analysis of the existing situation, a scientist should refer to its earliest sources. This will give him the opportunity to derive the causative chain of events leading to its present form.

Thanks to such honest behavior, a scientist gains energy, confidence and determination for even the most difficult tasks. So he hopes that what he does will bring him success. Of course, he has to be very careful not to use unverified data or introduce something that is only a religious act of faith. For example, the statement that "God created man in His image and likeness" can be considered only in the context of the proven statement that man has been creating gods in his image and likeness for centuries. Since we are doing this, there is something to this biblical verse and it is worth considering it as one of the many arguments for the extraordinary appearance of man at the end of the chain of nature, an intelligent being.

All that I wrote above is also aimed at myself, so that I should always remember about the rules of research conducted in my system. I would like to add that I try to do this all the time.





 Essenceism -

This is an analytical system that was created to understand the existence of God, the spiritual world and the eternity of man and which shaped the Theory of Eternal Existence - Author

This is the contents of the books about the system essenceism that shaped:

 the Theory of Eternal Existence    and the  Outline of Theory of Eternal Eexistence

1. Essenceism 1 - “God is not from this world”- (scientific understanding of God)

 2. Essenceism 2 - “We are from this world”- (understanding the role of man in relation to God)

 3. Essenceism 3 - “Evil is from this world”- (understanding of evil)

 4. Essenceism 4 - “Vision not from this world”- (understanding of salvation)

 5. Essenceism 5 - “Eternity is not from this world”- (understanding of eternity)

 6. Essenceism 6 - “Unreal gods from this world”- (understanding of religions)

  7. Essenceism 7 - “Love from this and not from this world- (understanding of love)

  8. Essenceism 8 - “Reality from this and not from this world- (understanding of reality)