Chapter 29

The state between knowledge and faith

When, during the discussion about God, we look for arguments for and against His existence, rational people most often provide logical justifications for their views. In such a discussion, however, it is difficult to convince people who are based solely on faith. Discussion with them does not lead to objective conclusions, because most religions have excluded logic from their argumentation, and their teaching is based on established doctrines and dogmas. Therefore, for the sake of clarity of rational discussion, it is worth using the latest scientific knowledge as often as possible. The most worrying fact is that in this age of such enormous scientific advancement, the vast majority of people uncritically accept the teachings of the world's religions based on revelation as interpreted by themselves.

Proper belief in the existence of God should not create any tension. Ideally, it should be a personal view of Him, of a person's origins or spiritual phenomena. Freedom of faith consists in the fact that a person can, without being forced by anyone, believe in one thing and not in another. For example, you can believe in God and the angels, and not in Satan. You can believe in heaven and not in hell. It is only important not to become a slave to your own faith and judge everything according to yourself. Only this attitude allows you to be tolerant of the views of other people. This opens the way for discussions between people. It is one of the phenomena driving the development of civilization.

My essenceism is a system prepared for discussion. It is based on rational thinking and logical argumentation. Therefore, in a sense, you can speak of its scientific nature. Of course, the study of phenomena such as the existence of God, the spiritual world or eternity in man is not part of the tasks of science. However, one can learn a lot of things, because this area of life applies rational thinking, uses experimental methods, and draws logical conclusions from them. Essenceism, therefore, uses its methods even in relation to such "unscientific" tasks as the analysis of the existence of the First Cause, eternity and the consequences arising from these facts.

My system would like to introduce to the development of civilization a type of knowledge that relates to phenomena beyond time and space. It is primarily about a whole range of non-material phenomena. This applies to the perception of something that cannot be determined by the laws of physics, chemistry or biology. This is because, parallel to scientific research, essenceism constantly analyzes the activities of the possible Creator of the universe and the effects of the appearance on Earth of beings who want eternity. So, based on this research, I am discovering something more than earthly existence.

With the knowledge of God, it should be the same as with the main field of science, which is physics. If thanks to it you discover something important or understand something again, then this situation not only increases the previous knowledge, but also stimulates further action. Then the previous level of cognition should only be the basis for further expanding our awareness. So in the case of God it is about increasing the awareness of His existence. It is worth making sure that He exists as an intelligent cause of all phenomena that surround us. The greater the certainty that this is so, the greater the joy in understanding the facts studied and the easier, as in science, to open up to the development of knowledge about Him. You can also feel the freedom and joy of the achieved state. Therefore, new knowledge is acquired, which is often lacking in the case of faith in the dogmas imposed on us for centuries.

It would be good for a scientist who speaks on such a unique matter as the existence of God, to have a unique spiritual foundation developed by himself, that is, a kind of base of his personal experiences on the basis of which he will be able to judge the problems encountered. For such purposes, I have described in the third part of this study the principles of conduct and research instruments that can help anyone build a kind of inner foundation, which is necessary for the further self-building of beliefs about religion. To confirm this method, I described, for example, in one of the previous studies the ideas of the main divisions of philosophy and religion in relation to my system. Below, I explain using simple examples of attitudes of various people dealing with specific problems in our environment.

When a car mechanic starts repairing a broken vehicle, he or she must have a lot of knowledge, that is, knowledge of important rules of general mechanics and knowledge of the structure and exact functioning of the mechanisms of a given car. In addition, there is the necessary experience related to the frequent repair of typical damage occurring in cars.

Similar rules apply to a doctor who starts treatment of a sick patient. Before making a diagnosis that determines a specific treatment, such a doctor should demonstrate the necessary medical knowledge, i.e. a good knowledge of the functioning of the human body, and have some experience in the treatment of similar types of diseases.

If you want to analyze the rich experiences of mankind in matters related to the existence of God, the meaning of life or specific religious views, it is worth taking an example from a good car mechanic or a good doctor. Practical experience, such as that of a disinterested social activist, would also be useful. Personally, I would recommend the most eager to gain volunteer experience and even the skills of a lay missionary in a politically independent community organization. Maybe then it will be easier to become a good researcher similar to an experienced mechanic or an effective doctor.

By the way, I would like to add that just as it is worth discussing with an experienced doctor or a good car mechanic, it is worth discussing with a person who really has something positive to say and who wants to listen to someone. It is good to start the discussion, having already prepared some foundation of knowledge and a certain base of experience, which can be supplemented over time. Having such your own "backbone" is important not to be fooled or deceived by empty slogans and to be analytical about each statement.

The starting point for the proposed discussion should be the awareness that our world is to a large extent sick and seriously morally damaged, just as a person can be sick or an old car is broken. This awareness can be supplemented by the fact that most adherents of existing religious denominations are set on waiting for their god to solve all human problems by an act of his will. Unfortunately, I argue that such an attitude precludes any substantive discussion.

In addition, searching for God, understanding eternity in man or assessing the situation of the world requires a lot of effort and resignation from current views. However, despite these difficulties, I recommend everyone to courageously explore various premises concerning our spiritual life. At the same time, I advise against starting this path with verbal duels with unrepentant supporters of the religious denominations that have existed for centuries. Even more, I do not recommend discussing with the leaders or hierarchs of these denominations, as they, as a rule, uphold the inviolability of their dogmas, principles of faith or the interpretation of their sacred books.

Therefore, the discussion on the future of humanity, as to the improvement of its present situation, can only take place in an atmosphere of conscious will to repair the reality that surrounds us. When entering the discussion about repairing or renewing our spiritual life and wanting to positively influence our surroundings, it is worth forming the basic foundation of knowledge about what we want to do and what is the purpose of our conduct. Everything should be based on the belief in the existence of a universal and at the same time ideal state that is the goal of human aspirations. Only an absolutely perfect Source of values ​​can be the mainstay of such a desire, which will make humanity's dreams happy. It is about an absolutely pure Source Being, which is also the Driving Force for good, which can be seen in the physical structure of our planet. Therefore, it is good to assume at the outset the existence of the possible First Cause of All Things, i.e. the alleged Creator who is the source of the good itself, not burdened with any dogmas and delusions of existing religions. In my system, I called Him the Original Being. In my case, this was the beginning of building views.

Therefore, it is worth devoting some attention to visualizing God as Absolute, Eternity and Perfection, as well as the Supreme Good. Such an assumption should result from the total achievements of mankind, not only in the field of religion, but also in science. This Initial Being must therefore have the attributes of Intelligence, Will, and Affection. This means that it should be as our maximum image of perfect will, perfect intellect and perfect emotionality, although this does not mean that it should be in our image and likeness. It is therefore worth realizing that His Intellect means omniscience, His Eternity means infinity, and the Will means the creation of the universe. It was these qualities that could decide about the ideal state of good for His children, i.e. the Kingdom of Heaven. The Creator's love, which gave meaning to the existence of mankind, has its source in His Heart. According to essenceism, it is the essence of love, beauty and goodness. All this creates the knowledge of what an ideal world should look like for humanity. Thanks to it, we can assess the current situation on Earth. Therefore, it becomes clear that the most terrible disease of our civilization, that is, evil, prevents us from reaching the proper state of our world.

It is good to learn from the above analysis that every new theory should be tested well, both your own and any other theory. I still offer people a skeptical approach to information hears. In this way, I suggest that they try to find their own way to know God. Ideally, the path to this goal should be based on independent, logical thinking. It would also be useful to have a deep desire to know Someone Who should exist somewhere out there and Whom countless researchers of the Truth have been looking for before us. Maybe it is our turn now?

Is it good to decide to independently search for the universal truth about God, man and the universe? Yes of course! Nobody should help us in this most important life task, although it is difficult to get down to it. However, I suggest once again that you first start working out your own independent concept of God, and then start comparing it with others.

My system is trying to create the right science about God, which has hitherto been called theology. Unfortunately, this term in most religious denominations has little to do with science. Therefore, I had to create a system presenting analytical methods for examining the possibility of the existence of the Original Being. This is how essenceism and all its theorems arose. It is a preparation for the development of a theory describing the conditions of life beyond time and space. It is a reality destined for human eternal life. I called it the theory of eternal existence.













 Essenceism -

This is an analytical system that was created to understand the existence of God, the spiritual world and the eternity of man and which shaped the Theory of Eternal Existence - Author

This is the contents of the books about the system essenceism that shaped:

 the Theory of Eternal Existence    and the  Outline of Theory of Eternal Eexistence

1. Essenceism 1 - “God is not from this world”- (scientific understanding of God)

 2. Essenceism 2 - “We are from this world”- (understanding the role of man in relation to God)

 3. Essenceism 3 - “Evil is from this world”- (understanding of evil)

 4. Essenceism 4 - “Vision not from this world”- (understanding of salvation)

 5. Essenceism 5 - “Eternity is not from this world”- (understanding of eternity)

 6. Essenceism 6 - “Unreal gods from this world”- (understanding of religions)

  7. Essenceism 7 - “Love from this and not from this world- (understanding of love)

  8. Essenceism 8 - “Reality from this and not from this world- (understanding of reality)