Chapter 9
God – Absolute Goodness
If we take God seriously as the First Cause of All Things, then during the examination of everything that surrounds us, one should take into account His most important attributes. He should be the Absolute creating only goodness, beauty and love and be the source of perfect wisdom and omniscience. So Good is the primordial state of the Creator - the only one in which He exists.
The Bible emphasizes that after each day of creation the Creator stated that He created good. From this follows the logical conclusion that if God, created with the above attributes, created the universe, then there could be no room for evil in it. For the evil known to us cannot exist in His Personality and in His conception of the universe. Such a perfect Causal Original Being could not simply create it.
This assumption is necessary to prove my additional, working thesis that God does not know evil.
Starting from the basic qualities of the Original Being, it must be said that evil arose completely outside the law and principles existing in God. Therefore, it could not reach God as a recognizable phenomenon. God does not receive it and does not know it. Such a statement seriously changes the typical image of the Omniscient Creator. Meanwhile, thanks to the complete separation of evil from the First Cause, we obtain the "Pure" Creator, that is, absolutely good and perfect Heavenly Father.
Therefore, one should explain once again what evil is. Based on the attributes of God described in this study, the shortest possible definition of evil is what God does not know, what is not His reality and what should not be at all. In this case, the point is not to weaken the omniscience of God and His omnipresence. If God foresaw evil, then it would be known to Him, and thus would be part of His Consciousness. However, it cannot be. Evil is a special exception. This is not a mere quality or phenomenon, what are many in the universe. It is a kind of anti-reality, or a peculiarity that is absolutely beyond God, impossible to foresee by Him. It seems that such a statement may violate our centuries-old idea of God's omniscience and his qualities. This is not only the result of a traditional belief in God, but also a belief resulting from the subjective evaluation of a man for whom evil is part of his existence. Our imperfect personality "taught" us a picture of God, in which we are burdened with the knowledge of evil. In this way, we subconsciously accept a bad point of view that prevents us from correctly evaluating God.
To examine the existence of evil, I analyzed not only the Bible, but also the Koran, read the study of the books of the Vedas, looked through Tipitaka and a number of other recognized religious books, including even the Uranti Book. I realized that in these books evil is usually treated as foreignness, like something unwanted in the existing world.
All the above arguments lead to the conclusion that God does not exist in our present reality on Earth. This statement is very similar to the one that atheists proclaim. However, in my study it is only about the absence of God in the evil environment of our Earth, not in the entire universe or outside it. Many believers of various religions when asked where God is, say He is everywhere. However, when you ask them if He is also in hell, we get the answer that He cannot be there. This is because these followers treat hell as something outside of God. In their view, hell is the place where Satan prevails. However, when you combine this belief with the claims of Jesus Christ that Satan is the "master of this world", we will get a less popular conclusion that our Earth is hell. This religious argument suggests then that there is no God on our Earth, which is quite likely and consistent with our daily experiences.
In a world full of evil, in which billions of people suffer because of injustice, disease, wrongs, wars and other misfortunes, somebody as God who is absolutely good cannot be present among us. In the world of "Halters", "Stalins" and similar criminals, whose presence indicates the prevalence of Evil (written in large and small letters), there cannot be a Creator of the future Kingdom of Heaven, that is, a perfect world. The condition of our reality indicates rather the presence of an anti-God, or being completely opposed to Him, called Satan. More specifically, I discuss this topic on my website
So I definitely think that in our world there is no place for an absolutely good God. Of course, it is only His indirect presence in the form of His Laws and Principles, which should be named God’s Providence.
Additional explanations will be provided in the chapters:
Chapter 16: Understanding of God’s presence
Chapter 34: Is there no God among us?
The chapters that follow are part 2, part 3, and part 4 of this book, Essenceism 1.
and in the following books:
“Essenceism 2”
“Essenceism 3”,
“Essenceism 4”
“Essenceism 5”
“Essenceism 6”