Chapter 9
Humanity's long way to eternity
Essenceism arose to re-describe the First Cause of all things. In accordance with his assumption about the existence of the eternal Original Being, there was also a thesis that Such a Being created a space-time universe for the development of people, his children. Therefore, he must be called Heavenly Father.
Additionally, I would like to remind you that in essenceism I reserve the term "person" for a being that exists eternally in the image and likeness of the Original Being. Of course, it is about ourselves, that is, creatures endowed with a personality similar to their Creator. During the first physical period of our life, taking place in the physical world, we live as an integrated coexistence of a physical and spiritual person. A natural person is responsible for bringing a spiritual person to perfection during his biological life. After the end of the functioning of the physical body, that is, after physical death, the spiritual person will live forever in the sphere beyond time and space, coexisting with his Creator in the child-father relationship.
It follows that we only live temporarily in the physical world, that is, in the space-time of the universe. This time is for our physical and spiritual development. Therefore, the Earth is, in the Creator's concept, the proper living space in which a person should achieve personal perfection. In the period of development, we should be supported by angels, i.e. spiritual guardians of humanity. The essenceism system accepts the fact that angels are eternal spiritual beings similar to our spiritual person. They play the same role for her that animals play for our natural person.
Unfortunately, a negative and destructive event has happened, that is, evil. Another, bad reality was created, created by the Archangel Lucifer - the educator of the first people, and by themselves. As a result of the reversal of the force of love, the human personality was subordinated to this evil educator instead of God. When he fell outside the sphere created by the Original Being, he was named Satan. Almost from the very beginning, he has been leading humanity against the original assumptions of the Creator. In order to distinguish this bad reality from the proper one prepared for humanity, called "heaven", the present reality can be called "earth", and even more precisely, hell. This is how you have to call the "institution" managed by Satan. Although we do not like it, it must be said that we live in hell, that is, in a world that is not the result of a proper concept of the Creator.
From essenceism it follows that God is not here with us, because there cannot be one reality in which He and His complete opposite, Satan, exist together. The Original Being exists therefore only in the state of reality beyond time and space, separated from people by their unlawful "guardian", the former Archangel. So we live in a satanic reality that is not our proper one, and which is a bad state known as the fallen world. In this system, Satan is both the source and the center of evil. This, according to essenceism, is the present state of our world.
So it can be said that the history of mankind is the story of people's suffering in a wrong reality guided by the anti-god Satan. Therefore, she deserves her liberation from this state, that is, salvation. Attempts to get out of this situation have occurred throughout human history. The greatest event was the work of Jesus Christ, which was unfortunately brutally interrupted by His crucifixion. As a result of His short life as the reborn Son of God, there was only spiritual salvation, that is, the liberation of people from the power of Satan in the spiritual world. This process continues in the form of the further salvation of our spiritual persons, who, entering the spiritual world after their physical life, can benefit from the redeeming work of the Savior of mankind.
According to essenceism, our world requires full salvation, that is, the completion of the process started by Jesus Christ. It can be done by people led by the Son of God with the support of angels. It cannot be done by God Himself, who has not participated in the destruction of His work. For God does not know the evil that He did not create, and has nothing to do with it. It is the source of good only. We know them as His Providence, that is, His eternal laws and principles leading everything to perfection, including in a special way to the perfection of people themselves. The difference between humans and all other creation is that we must participate in shaping personal perfection ourselves, adding to the process our responsibility for its fulfillment. The appearance of the Son of God among us is necessary to bring the world to salvation. He is the one who has no dependence on Satan, that is, He has no fallen nature that all other people have. This means that the world will be saved through the educational and educational activities of the Son of God. This mission was initiated by Jesus Christ, that is, he resumed the Creator's concept of creating the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. This goal has never changed because it comes from a perfect God.
For now, according to essenceism, we live in a world without the presence of God. Therefore, we do not realize that we have been deprived of the real world in which both we and all other people are to be the most important in all creation. It is the state of eternity encoded by the Creator in our personality that creates the phenomenon that one can be the most important of all people, without depriving others of the same level of importance. That is why we do not create a world as one loving family. We do not enjoy the happiness of others together, nor do we live together the proper, wise development of civilization. We were pushed into a state of sadness and loneliness, without a good life and friendship. The fragile bonds of true love and trust are still being destroyed. We exist in uncertainty from day to day, often not understanding what will happen tomorrow. It is as if we are wandering in the dark in the world that is to be our home. Sometimes this condition is seen in dreams. We wander somewhere, we are unable to do something, we cannot find something, we are looking for someone close. This is because we want happiness, goodness, and eternity, which are unattainable for now. So we look for these values in dreams or dreams, wishing to join the real, eternal reality prepared by the Creator. Maybe we will enter it someday, although the road to it is still long.