Chapters from the book "Essenceism 6 - Unreal gods from this world"                    Chapters 16, 17, 9, 18.

Chapter 19

Controversy around religion

Many atheists fight religions by claiming that they are human delusions or the way of clergymen of various religions to subjugate people through the so-called government of souls. At the same time, from the point of view of religion, we often deal with fanaticism and intolerance towards unbelievers or otherwise believers, which sometimes resulted in religious crimes. The history of mankind has recorded criminal rituals, slaughter, wars, inquisition and gross violations of human dignity. It also happened that the legislation of many countries, in which the authorities supported only one religious option, was behind religious persecution.

Of course, the history of mankind has also recorded many positive initiatives to implement the proper mission of religion. There were, and probably still are, who treat religion as a manifestation of love for all people, especially for those who suffer from evil. It was these religious initiatives that tried to give people hope for the possibility of renewing our world, which lacks love, goodness and guarantees for a better tomorrow. The teaching of Jesus Christ, which is pure, beautiful and even perfect, is especially inscribed in the history of the world. Unfortunately, it is much worse with its implementation over the next generations.

The fundamental question about the meaning of the existence of religion requires a deliberate answer. Therefore, my system sheds light on the existence of religion objectively by taking a scientific approach to the subject. That is the purpose of this book.



Chapter 20

The loss of the original value system

According to essenceism, there must be a primary value system that comes from the First Cause, that is, from the Creator. My system sees the source of its existence in the operation of the Original Force of Love, which we know only rudely as various forms of "earthly" love.

According to essenceism, from the Creator comes a system of values aimed at the development of His children, i.e. us, people. There is a significant difference between this "divine" system and the one we have in the world today. The point is that in our world we have the dominance of the power of authority, while it is not in the world which is the concept of the Original Being. The lack of power of authority in an ideal world results from the omnipresence of the power of love in it. If we were to find ourselves in such an ideal world, we would understand that the power of love creates in it permanent and perfect relationships between its inhabitants. In this world there is no need to manage their lives. Of course, with the growing number of its inhabitants, it is only necessary to manage the production of material goods.

Knowledge about the proper functioning of the force of love in the human living space is extremely poor, or actually none. We know its modest substitutes in the form of childhood, partner and parental love, and in the action of love for specific states that surround us, for example love for nature. There are many such loves, but they are only residual forms of a whole, which, unfortunately, humanity does not grasp at our very low emotional level. Essenceism explained in previous studies about this level and its causes. In short, it results from the fact that humanity was stopped in its spiritual development from the very beginning of its existence and this level has not changed to this day.

According to the analysis of essenceism, the destruction of the original concept of the Creator at the very beginning of human history was caused by the power of authority. At the very beginning, it was introduced into the space of human life by the protector of the first people, that is, Archangel Lucifer, changed into Satan for this reason. This situation arose as a result of a reversal of the direction of love to the opposite of the one that originally belonged to it. This reversal caused spiritual death, that is, it initiated a reality cut off from the source of love, that is, the Original Being. Since then, humanity has been spiritually dead, that is, living in hell. A certain "resurrection" was due to the efforts of eminent spiritual individuals. According to analyzes of essenceism, Jesus Christ made the most significant progress. They show that His goal was to completely restore the proper state belonging to humanity, that is, the state that comes from the Creator. Unfortunately, a very short period of his activity ended tragically for Him. His work of redemption remains, but only on the level of the individual. He also left some progress in the spiritual development of all mankind. Unfortunately, this progress was too low to definitely turn back from the "bad path". Religions should be responsible for a turning back. Whether this is so, I write in the next chapters of this study.




Chapter 21

The most important issues of knowing evil

What is the essenceism knowledge about evil? Below I describe in points the knowledge resulting from the essenceism theorems about the state of the world.

1. Knowledge about the situation on Earth

Unfortunately, on our Earth we do not yet have the Kingdom of Heaven, defined as good. Rather, we have quite the opposite, which is evil; more specifically, hell. This situation arose as a result of the unlawful takeover of humanity by Satan, the transformed Archangel Lucifer. Therefore, the history of mankind is a process of renewing the lost world previously prepared by the Creator, i.e. it is the history of salvation. Jesus Christ, supported by angels and people who are aware of the tasks they perform, made fundamental progress in this process. The further process of salvation should lead to the establishment of the expected Kingdom of Heaven.

2. Knowing that God knows no evil.

The fundamental knowledge resulting from the analysis of the Personality of the Original Being is the understanding that God does not know evil. It is knowledge that should reach everyone who understands the existence of God. For this purpose, a separate brochure was created. "The true God knows no evil." It explains in detail the fact that the Original Being is the source of the only state that should exist in the concept of His creation, that is, the state of good. This state results from the existence of a force that is the source of the creation of the universe, life and humanity, that is, the Original Force of Love, which is used by the Creator from infinity.

3. Knowledge of the existence of source of evil.

This knowledge means that the former guardian of the first people, Archangel Lucifer, who, as a result of changing the direction of the power of love into the power of authority, became Satan. He still rules the world in a secret way, separating us from the Creator. Satan's power was limited by Jesus, but only in the spiritual world. Thus, Satan retained his authority in the physical world, which is a kind of hell without the presence of God.

4. Knowledge that God cannot participate directly in life on Earth. God does not supervise our lives, He does not introduce punishments for His children, neither on an ongoing basis, nor after entering the spiritual world, and especially He does not punish us with hell. This is because our civilization was not created by Him. This means that our world does not follow His original principles. It can be called hell, that is, a world without God. Of course, from the very beginning, the laws of nature created by Him and the spiritual laws that constitute the so-called Providence of God function in it. This has been described in detail in my essenceism system.

5. Knowing that God cannot replace people in the process of saving the world. Salvation from evil must be accomplished without God's direct participation. Evil is the sole responsibility of people and angels. Each of us is a subject in this task and no one, not even God, can replace man in responsibility for himself and for the whole world. Salvation can come only as a result of the combined effort of people, angels and the Son of God.





Chapter 22

Objective assessment of history

Looking at various historical events, one can get the impression that evil is stronger than good. An example is the fact that at the beginning of human history, false and evil overcame truth and good. Were people who supposedly descended from God powerless against evil? Why couldn't God help it? It is worth asking more questions. Is this still happening? Will it always be like this? Will evil keep getting ahead of good? These are difficult questions that accurately describe our reality.

According to the subconscious concept of the Creator, good was to last for centuries among people as a function of the operation of His laws and principles. It seems logical that people don't want evil. They would like to be good and happy. Unfortunately, as it turned out in practice, they are to some extent immune to evil. This is evidenced by the fact that the evil lies of the "Serpent", contrary to the words of God, were heard by them. The warning of the Giver of Truth and Good about the threat to life "after eating bad fruit" did not help.

I remind you that God created only good with a view to the creation of the Kingdom of Heaven. He shaped man in "His image and likeness" so that he would be His perfect child who knows only good, that is, God's laws and their operation in the universe.

The dream of a perfect world and the undying will to live in happiness, goodness and love have always accompanied us. Meanwhile, in practice, it is different. These dreams are constantly being destroyed by the events that surround us. We destroy our happiness and good, first of all, directly through individual weaknesses, stupidity, conflicts between individuals and entire nations. There are then various injustices, wrongs and even wars, which are sometimes the aftermath of hatred and a revenge for the evil done. Such a world is what Satan's opponent of the Creator wants. It's his hell. He still destroys and destroys our dreams.

We can also indirectly devastate happiness and good by trying to rectify the existing situation. For there are various "fixers", restorers, reformers who promise change for the better. They often find many willing and loyal followers. Unfortunately, conflicts arise very quickly, acting against people, by force, under duress. There are protests, persecutions and even wars. The end result is the same as destroying the good directly.

For thousands of years, conflicts, wars and blood have been spilled. We are attacked by various enemies who want to subjugate us and sometimes even kill us. What to do? Defend yourself or wait passively for death? Fight evil or give up resistance? To arm yourself or try to negotiate with your opponent? Or is it still fighting to completely destroy the enemy? Is every price for eliminating evil worth it?

Evil entered people's lives at the very beginning of our civilization and is deeply rooted in it. It means, first of all, the spiritual presence of Satan in our fallen world. The force of power inherited from him wreaks havoc on good. Evil is also the persistence in our personality of the fallen nature inherited from it. As a result of its existence, evil wins with good without hindrance, and lies are more easily accepted than truth. Equally often, love loses to hate, forgiveness and revenge. In most cases, people feel powerless when faced with evil, because they feel that there is nothing more can be done in the face of its power. I ask a second time: Will we always be powerless and immune to evil?

Since evil with its mechanisms has entered our civilization, for the good of mankind it is necessary to constantly remind the principles of its operation. This is the first step in order not to give in to him and consider him normal. The effects of underestimating the power of Satan's evil have struck all mankind over the centuries, including those who did not believe in him. As the history of mankind proves, we often do not notice the evil appearing in our lives, and sometimes we would even like to forget about its existence. In most cases, we initially disregard its appearance, and when we understand it, it is usually too late to stop its development. Then it causes enormous damage, which is sometimes difficult to repair. This happens in our personal lives, and even at the level of entire nations. This was the case, for example, with totalitarian regimes such as Hitler's, Stalin's, the Khmer Rouge and many others. Unfortunately, the mechanisms by which this kind of evil comes to power are constantly repeated. Still millions of people are deceived by the deceitful promises of political leaders who promise to create a just and better society, although often behind them is the evil "ruler of this world". Therefore, throughout my study, I analyze the origins of evil, making it aware of the existence of its source and center. I am pointing to Satan and the effects of his actions. It is with heartbreak that I emphasize that despite the enormous efforts of people, Satan still maintains his hell in our world. Unfortunately, this powerlessness also applies to me. The only thing I can do in this situation is to constantly warn against evil, its source and mechanisms. I ask again: Can anything be done against the power of evil?

Many of us in our daily lives distinguish between right and wrong quite easily. It is much more difficult to differentiate them in social life, and the most difficult at the top of power. It seems that this is what "the evil god of our world" is all about. Social evil begins when it comes from the lips of the leaders of the nations, from government and parliamentary stands. They tell us that they create good, that they fulfill the will of the nation, and that we need what they do. According to them, all who are against them are evil, they should be stigmatized and even removed from society. By many leaders who want to rule us, evil is often called good, and lies are often called truth. Often, like Satan, they accuse those who expose their lies that their opponents do evil while they themselves create it. In this way they use Satan's accusing principle towards God: "it's not me, it's him!". Cynicism is also often associated with this phenomenon, as many of those who do know that they are spreading untruths. However, they do so for career, money, and other benefits. In this way, the evil-bringing power mechanism still works.

Of course, people want to change this state of affairs. First of all, they hope that God will help them and that everything will change for the better. Years, hundreds, thousands of years pass, and no change for the better occurs. An example of this is the fact that the evil in the world after Jesus came is the same as it was before His coming. Believers of various faiths ask why God does not take away evil? Could He not interfere and eliminate the mechanism of evil and remove Satan from power? Unfortunately, it looks like it can't do it because it doesn't know it. Therefore, it does not bear any responsibility for them. So there is no doubt that our participation in the elimination of evil and the overthrow of the dictatorship of the "master of this world" is necessary.

Thanks to our primal nature, we still think about God, we yearn for good, and we hope that one day a perfect world will emerge. This is our eternal hope which, despite the passage of thousands of years, still lives with us. Even when we suffer great suffering, the hope for good never dies. A striking example of such a state is the faith of Christians that the crucifixion of Jesus has a victorious overtone. Although He fell victim to a cruel crime, His death and resurrection are regarded by Christians as a success. They claim that this crime has saved the world and that this is what God wanted. It is very surprising that only Jesus' personal victory over Satan resulted in the rise of Christianity. Thus, the hope of a resurrection developed into an unreasonable theory. However, this is what its phenomenon is all about. It is also confirmed by faith in ultimate justice in the form of the end of the world and the Last Judgment. In my opinion, this hope is rather proof of human helplessness in acting for the elimination of evil. Unfortunately, this situation is conducive to the further functioning of the mechanisms of evil.

The goal of everyone's dreams should be to free ourselves from the present situation. Then we should go to the ideal spiritual world, abandoning the bad state that arose on Earth forever. Before this happens, however, it is worth constantly reminding everyone about the causes of the present reality. Unfortunately, not everyone is aware of the real consequences of the situation that took place at the beginning of human history. Not everyone is aware of the fact that we can be compared to prisoners locked in a prison isolated from God, where the right information about true free life does not reach. We die without proper knowledge about ourselves, and after death we are confused by the entrance to the spiritual world unknown to us. It would be best for each of us to be able to fall into the "hands" of good angels after death and with their help complete our growth to perfection. Then our spiritual persons could completely break off contact with the "satanic" Earth and start a new life in the spiritual universe under God's sovereignty. Sometimes I think this is really the case when our loved ones disappear forever after their death.

For the time being, humanity is waiting thoughtlessly for the salvation that God himself is to accomplish, although in this study I show that it is illogical. People do not allow themselves to think that it may never happen and that evil will last forever. If we continue to be so passive and blind to the logical conclusions resulting from the laws and principles derived from the Creator, then there will indeed be an eternal hell on Earth.






Chapter 23

The state produced by evil

This chapter is about the state of the world that is produced by humanity. Unfortunately, it is tainted with evil. We live as if under the "special supervision of the force of evil," and the "products" of our civilization are largely contrary to the original concept of the Creator.

It is difficult to argue with the fact that the condition that civilization produces on Earth comes from humans. However, it is worth taking a deeper look at this fact. For we found an orderly world in the form of nature waiting for its new host. Meanwhile, at the very beginning, our civilization was distorted by an action that ruined the state of good and introduced evil. It went entirely beyond God. On the initiative of the guardian of the first people, the correct direction of love was reversed, which brought evil to mankind, and Satan, transformed from their former protector, has become the ruler of the world. Evil penetrated first into the personality of the first people, and then passed on to all mankind. In this way, both we and our entire civilization died to God. Of course, it is not about biological death, but about cutting humanity from the Source of Life, that is, from the proper Father of humanity.

At the beginning of human history, we should reach the spiritual level that our Creator predicted for us. Unfortunately, after the fall of the first humans, Satan continues to illegally use his advantage as an evil educator of mankind. He has stopped people's spiritual development at a low level, which allows him to constantly control each of us with the power of authority. For we have an implanted evil nature, on the basis of which Satan has permanent access to us. As a result, he dominated our spiritual persons, which we receive from the Creator at birth. It is regrettable to admit that we not only have the original presence of God in the form of the original nature inherited from Him, but also a specific "presence" of Satan in the form of the aforementioned fallen nature. The evil it contains is therefore introduced into our personality from the moment we are born. This results in a constant struggle between good and evil, the lack of spiritual development, and hence, a persistent low level of each person's spirituality.

Therefore, one must be aware that the spiritual development provided by the Creator is blocked by the "ruler of this world". In this way, Satan blocked our path to perfection. It is he who controls the world to this day and prevents us from becoming true children of God. Of course, this is not knowledge resulting from a scientific analysis, but only a logical conclusion from the assessment of our civilization. However, having no better research methods, I have to accept such a "religious" translation of the present state of mankind. The very knowledge of the bad state of our world counts first. The next step after getting it should be looking for the right way out of this situation using human reason, and thus taking into account the achievements of human thought in various fields of science. For it is not enough to pray earnestly to God with a request for knowledge from Him or to seek support from the spiritual world; although this is also important. All the more, there should be no passive waiting for the salvation that God may grant us. So did those who lived before us. It is worth remembering, however, that the prophets and figures of the Old Testament constantly exhorted people to stimulate them to act for the elimination of evil. Unfortunately, they were often eliminated from society by the clergy, although their message was primarily addressed to them. It is a pity that now also humanity is passively waiting for salvation.

According to essenceism, Satan created a mechanism of power that is often used unconsciously by any authority. This applies not only to politics and the economy, but also to other areas of life, including religion. This mechanism is to keep people spiritually low, vulnerable to lies from the leaders of these spheres of life. It is they who, thanks to their power, effectively eliminate attempts to restore the correct concept of human civilization predicted by God in the creation of the world. This mechanism also effectively eliminates human efforts to understand our true Creator, preventing us from returning to His world. Thus, every power that has arisen in different ages, sooner or later becomes seized by the "controller" of mankind, that is, the "master of this world," as Jesus called Satan. Unfortunately, it was He who became the most significant victim of this mechanism.

To sum up, it must be clearly stated that we live in a world created by evil that occurred at the very beginning of human history. The former guardian of the first people, Archangel Lucifer, called Satan after the fall, is still the master of our world, who maintains our hell from behind the "spiritual scenes".










"Essenceism 1 - God is not from this world" (scientific understanding of God)

"Essenceism 2 - We are from this world" (understanding of man towards God)

"Essenceism 3 - Evil is from this world" (understanding of evil)

"Essenceism 4 – Vision not from this world" (understanding of salvation)

"Essenceism 5 – Eternity is not from this world"(understanding of eternity)

"Essenceism 6 – Unreal gods from this world" (understanding of religions)

Autor Essenceizm

analytical system of understanding the existence of God, the spiritual world and man's eternity

Author - Janusz Mazur

Essenceism -

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