Chapters from the book "Essenceism 6 - Unreal gods from this world"                   Chapters 32, 35, 36.

Chapter 32

Getting to know God without the need for religion

World religions create huge organizational structures to change the belief in the existence of God, the spiritual world or the afterlife of people into the so-called cult. They create them to ensure that people fulfill their dreams of eternal happiness, justice and the experience of true love. Meanwhile, one can imagine a general knowledge of phenomena related to God without the entire sphere of religious activities that make people weak creatures, at the mercy of God or supernatural forces.

In fact, people are looking for a safe and good future. Many of us feel we have eternity within us, whether they call it a soul, spirit, or spirit person. Many people take this spiritual future very seriously. In most cases, they submit to the rigors of religious denominations, expecting in return the guarantee of an eternal future in the next life. This forces people to maintain a huge number of clergy, organizations and centers of worship. As a reward, it provides them with a kind of peace of mind that a land of eternal happiness awaits them after their death. In connection with the wrongs suffered, religious faith also ensures a fair judgment of those who commit various kinds of wrongs against us. For this is the vision of ultimate justice that stems from many religions. However, it is worth re-examining it.

Essenceism, based on analytical knowledge, builds a system of spiritual security, parallel to the physical one concerning civilization life. Thus, following the example of knowledge about the "earth" security system, there should be knowledge about the same "blue" security system. It should be based on two basic pillars: the fact that each of us is an eternal personality and the fact that behind the existence of each of us is the First Cause, i.e. the Original Being having an eternal Personality associated with an eternal sphere beyond time and space. It is worth realizing that the Personality of God, extending in this sphere, has a Heart within it, that is, the same center that every person senses in their personality. It is, of course, spiritual. It is deeply embedded in each of us, being the mainstay of our humanity. This is where these two pillars of security can come together.

I will add here, for example, a personal experience that built my bond with the Creator, completely unrelated to religious feelings. It's about the feeling of belonging to God. Although not everyone is able to experience it, it is worth trying to evoke a desire to feel the Heart of God. If it succeeded, we would feel the unity of our heart with His Heart. It can be called "touching" the Heart of God, that is, as if leaning against the Eternal Refuge of the Original Being. Personally, after experiencing this "touch", I felt a deep bond and love with my Creator, which caused a full sense of security of my spiritual life in the scale of all eternity. So it was not a question of faith offered by religions, but a concrete experience connected with the certainty that He is. It is about the same level of certainty as we have under the laws of mathematics, physics or biology.

Ideally, science should prove the Creator of the universe. It would be especially good for it to show the existence of a sphere beyond time and space, which is an eternal "home" for both the Creator and us. This means that she could conclude that there is an eternal "space" for spiritual people who have already finished their physical life. It would also be basic knowledge for us today and for those who will come after us. Thanks to this, humanity would have only one worry before it, that is, how to end evil and restore our world to the state prepared by God.

Unfortunately, scientists dissociate themselves from this mission, saying that only the physical universe is of interest to them. In that case, essenceism had to undertake the presentation of knowledge about these "unwanted" phenomena. For people who do not want to be associated with any religion, it can be knowledge that answers questions about the origin of the universe, ourselves and our eternal future.

Below I present the principles that guided me in creating essenceism, especially in describing the sphere beyond time and space.

1. The principle of timelessness or eternity is the first of the two attributes of the sphere beyond time and space.

2. The principle of structurelessness of this sphere, in which there is nothing occupying any space or volume - is the second fundamental attribute of this sphere.

3. The principle of existence of the Absolute First Cause, which fills the sphere beyond time and space, and is the cause of the creation of the universe. It is about the Original Being characterized by the lack of a beginning, the lack of anything that could have been before Him, and existing on the scale of infinity.

4. The principle of the universal existence of primary energy, resulting in the uncertainty of the state of energy filling the sphere beyond time and space, and the marking of energy when it fills the space-time of the universe.

5. The principle of existence of beings in the sphere beyond time and space. They are the concentration of primary energy around the personality center of being which possesses intelligence, will and affection. They are beings that derive from the Original Being, created on His model.

6. The principle of perfection leads every being to perfection based on the laws and principles derived from the Creator, and each spiritual being based on his intelligence, will and affection. Everything in which God is directly present becomes perfect.

7. Principle of the indispensable sense of the existence of the universe. This means that its spacetime is a necessary place of development to full perfection for spiritual beings destined for eternal life in the realm beyond time and space.

8. The principle of omnipresence as to the "location" of spiritual beings. After achieving perfection, all beings who reside in the sphere beyond time and space become omnipresent in it.

9. The principle of communication in the sphere beyond time and space. All communication between the beings existing there takes place through the intuitive transmission of the content of feelings or thoughts, although it can also take the form of visions taken from the material structures of the universe.

10. All laws and principles of the functioning of the sphere beyond time and space derived from the First Cause are defined as universal, necessary, absolute, eternal and good, that is, according to the original assumption of the Creator.





Chapter 35

Essenceism gives hand of religion

The purpose of essenceism is to present God as the Original Being. Everything that explains my system follows from His qualities. This applies primarily to what He has done in the universe, with particular emphasis on the fact of the origin of life on our planet and the appearance of intelligent beings, that is us. Essenceism also deals with the state of eternity in the sphere beyond time and space and, of course, in man himself.

The most difficult problem to analyze in my system is the phenomenon of the creation of evil, i.e. a state completely contrary to the concept of the Creator of the universe and ourselves. It is true that this topic should be dealt with by religion, but you can see that it does it only marginally and superficially. As a result, it can be concluded that religious structures do not fully fulfill their mission. Since essenceism cannot very much apply scientific methods to matters relating to the activities of religion, it must rely on the opinion of the greatest expert in the history of this field, Jesus Christ. For this purpose, it analyzes His teaching in terms of the ways of working for the salvation of the world. Due to the lack of knowledge about the first period of the life of the Son of God, it focuses only on the last three years before his death.

There is no doubt that almost all of Jesus' teaching focuses on the problem of saving the world from evil. The key point of this teaching is to explain that the Kingdom of God was not realized on Earth, that is, the concept of the Creator, which Jesus called God's Will, was not introduced. Of course, the main goal of the Creator has not been achieved, so that our planet would become a place of achieving the perfection of His children. In general, it can be said that Jesus informed everyone about Heavenly Father who is constantly waiting for His children to come to Him. The only condition for their arrival is that their spiritual persons become perfect like God in heaven.

Jesus also explained to people why His Kingdom was not yet in place and why Heavenly Father's Will remains unfulfilled. He recalled that from the time of Adam and Eve, the reign of "the lord of this world", that is, Satan, has continued. In order to show in practice that he is the Son of God, Jesus went alone to the desert to fight a victorious duel with the illegal "ruler of this world" after forty days of fasting. By defeating Satan on an individual level, He showed above all that Satan is overcome. After this victory, Jesus acted in such a way as to stimulate people to defeat Satan on the social and national level with his life. He just wanted to remove the source of evil from this world together with people.

In trying to mobilize the nation of Israel to accomplish salvation, Jesus was explaining Satan's power especially to scribes and religious hierarchs. He often warned them that Satan could so confuse people's minds that they were unable to break free from lies and thus understand the truth. He also warned that it would be difficult for them to accept His teachings in this hypocrisy. He spoke it in squares, hills, in front of synagogues and even in private homes. Unfortunately, most often He encountered a wall of misunderstanding and lack of acceptance on the part of Jewish hierarchs and decision-makers at the time. There were times when He judged so negatively the behavior of these religious leaders towards himself that He had to point to their satanic lineage.

In general, it is worth assuming that Jesus, despite his very short activity, created for future generations a model of true humanity and a way of acting for salvation. This pattern arose wherever it appeared. Therefore, He was constantly among people, walking and teaching. This form of his presence was intended to prepare people to create the beginnings of the Kingdom of God. It was enough, therefore, to transfer this pattern to everyday religious activity without any special modifications. It is a pity that this did not happen with Christianity.

At this point, it is worth realizing that the pattern of behavior created by Jesus was paid for by his suffering and death on the cross. It is therefore of much greater value than any other model of human conduct. His action was also earned by his personal victory over Satan. Following the pattern developed by Jesus, essenceism suggested to religions to change their activity to that shown by the Son of God. My system would like to find true followers of Christ in this way.

Let me remind you that essenceism called people who wanted to imitate Jesus like globetrotters. They should feel that they are facing an extremely difficult task, which, however, must be performed for the good of humanity and to give "as a gift" to Heavenly Father a world ready for His presence. They simply should feel like Jesus Christ himself, who had to take into account the situation that his mission could take his whole life and that he could pay for it with death. The basic knowledge that they are to carry with them constantly is the fact that the Original Being created only good and therefore does not know evil. To this should come the knowledge that follows logically from the mission of Jesus that salvation is the responsibility of people led by the Son of God. They should also feel that guardian angels are standing behind them, and that they draw their energy from the spiritual world cheering them on from the "spiritual stands". In addition, the content of the teaching preached by "globetrotters" should concern the fact that people are eternal beings who, after a short physical life, are to continue their existence in the spiritual world. Everyone should be informed that, at the beginning of human history, we lost our proper freedom and came under the control of Satan. Because of this, we are on a very low spiritual level. Instead of being guided in life by the original nature received from Heavenly Father, we succumb to the fallen nature inherited from Satan and constantly creating evil. Above all, they should also know that the world today is ruled by various forms of power inherited from Satan along with our fallen nature.

To fully explain the concept of essenceism, I will add a few more details. The aforementioned missionaries - globetrotters should be persons with a special state of spirituality. They are, above all, people with a genuine vocation to such historic action. Naturally, they could be people who understand the need to save the world as a result of love for mankind tormented by evil. There may be many such "globetrotters" on Earth. All they need to do is learn about and identify with this extraordinary possibility for the salvation of the world.

In the process of salvation proposed by essenceism, it is primarily about gathering sufficiently effective forces to eliminate the source of evil, i.e. Satan and his evil spirits. Imagine that a pope, inspired by the teachings of the Son of God, would want to literally fulfill His requests and begin to follow Him in some way. Imagine that he would ask all Catholic clergy to leave their homes and go out to individually teach people in all corners of the globe. Especially let him ask them to do so in highly developed countries of Europe and America. Thus, the episcopates scattered all over the world should begin a mission that essenceism called the mission of globetrotters. The Pope could announce his intention to everyone, asking for support for his worldwide mission.

This is how the world could see the realization of Jesus' proposal: if anyone would like to save the world with Him, let him give everything to the needy, and then go out into the world to preach His teaching on love and forgiveness. Perhaps in this way the world should be shocked by the possibility of fulfilling Jesus' mission and thus understand that He had a "medicine" to save the world from evil. Then people would like to support the globetrotters sent out into the world to build a proper future with them. Of course, this process would not be short-lived. It is a task for many years, and even for generations. It is important for humanity to understand the concept of the world prepared by the Creator. It is based only on the Power of His Love and completely devoid of the function of the power of authority.

In its main message, the mission of globetrotters would launch the possibility of the birth of the Son of God on Earth as a Returning Savior, to whom Satan would not have access. If people prepared by globetrotters would accept Him, it would be the real beginning of the end of the evil "master of this world" and his satanic civilization.

So, in order to change the world with Jesus, one would have to drop everything that has been dealt with so far and move into the world. This sometimes requires preparation or anticipation of basic life matters, especially explaining to the loved ones what we intend to do. Then, be consistent and be sure that other people will help us. This help can be multiplied if everything you have is donated to make it clear that you are putting yourself completely at the mercy of society. Anyway, this behavior should not be alien to clergymen of various denominations, especially men and women religious in the Catholic Church. The only difference would be that instead of staying outside the walls of the monastery and praying there that God alone would save the world, you were doing it yourself as a globetrotter. In this way, you can begin to preach the teaching of Jesus and follow in his footsteps. You can also declare, as part of following your Master, that you forgive all those who have ever done us something wrong. This will show that you want to love all people without exception. It will show this love by wandering and communicating the message of Jesus. This love will result from proclaiming that God is the Father of every human being, because each one has received his individual eternity from Him. You will feel this love when the parable is realized, as a certain father after many years took unconditionally his prodigal son to whom he forgot everything and to whom he gave everything that he had prepared for him after his return. This love will be understood by anyone who is told that his Creator is waiting for him to spend with him all the coming eternity.

I have presented here a seemingly simple solution to salvation that is literally conforming to the teachings of Jesus two thousand years ago. This solution should be the quintessence of what religious denominations are supposed to do. Essenceism in a special way addresses Christian denominations so that they adopt the best known model of the Savior's action. They can start working in this direction right now. Clergymen who are currently active in parishes, monasteries, episcopates and other scientific, educational and social institutions could even try to become globetrotters for some time in a neighborhood known to them among people they know. The latter is especially so that they gradually get used to the new missionary activity. Additionally, according to this concept, seminarians finishing the seminars would be volunteers supporting the globetrotters. By reaching the age of 30, the age at which Jesus began His public ministry, they could, as Christ did, act as globetrotters for at least three years. Thereafter they could continue this activity periodically at various times in their priestly ministry. In this way, the world could see that they really needed religions to build a better world, and a new hope for a better tomorrow could enter people.






Chapter 36

A message of hope for the desperate

With this study, I would like to open up hope for the restoration of goodness in our civilization. It signifies a state of happiness, stability in life and inner peace. However, for this to be a lasting hope, it should not be supported by faith, but by knowledge, preferably one provided by science. After all, it is not only about fully understanding the causes of evil, but also about eliminating it, so that only the good remains.

For these reasons, my system focuses on science. It creates hope for learning the truth about ourselves, a truth that will not be destroyed by the action of politics, the calculation of stagnant social interests, and especially by religious restrictions. It is known that science has long ago started an adventure focused on searching for the beginning of the universe, the existence of life and the appearance of an intelligent and spiritual man. In fact, science was looking for the First Cause, which we associate with the Creator, i.e. God in various ways.

When scientists start their research, they are guided by a specific idea by their imagination, intuition and rational thinking. Therefore, in order to apply scientific methods in essenceism and adapt them to the research that theology deals with, I decided to be guided by the same scientific creativity, imagination, intuition and rational thinking.

In my system, I gather knowledge that allows me to understand the origin of the universe, the appearance of human life and activity, and therefore also myself. In my research, I used the knowledge discovered by classical physics, quantum physics and theoretical astrophysics. Some of this knowledge allowed me to make an initial understanding of the Original Being, the one that could initiate the creation of the universe, life and appearance in this environment of man. In the next steps, I subject His work to study in all other fields of study.

Thanks to my imagination, I first make a "visit" to the Creator in His "environment". So I enter His realm to see what is happening beyond time and space. This means that my thoughts leave the spacetime of the universe and enter where there is no dimensional space and time does not flow. My system of essenceism suggests that this infinite and eternal sphere is completely filled with the Energy and Personality of the Original Being. He "lives" in it, penetrates with Himself, and at the same time lets us know about Himself through His Heart, that is, the Center of Personality. Everywhere in this space, His qualities reign, which I feel as wisdom, goodness and love. As much as I can understand His existence.

By applying my system, I would like everyone to be aware that the universe comes from its Creator. I would also like everyone to be able to experience goodness and love from Him. This is our proper condition, as are everything that comes from Him. My system would like to bring hope to the lives of people desperate for the bad state of the world, to the lives of people with lost faith in everything and everyone, even such pessimists who think that there is no hope for us anymore and that it will always be the way it is now. Among others, for those desperate, my system of essenceism was created.








"Essenceism 1 - God is not from this world" (scientific understanding of God)

"Essenceism 2 - We are from this world" (understanding of man towards God)

"Essenceism 3 - Evil is from this world" (understanding of evil)

"Essenceism 4 – Vision not from this world" (understanding of salvation)

"Essenceism 5 – Eternity is not from this world"(understanding of eternity)

"Essenceism 6 – Unreal gods from this world" (understanding of religions)

Autor Essenceizm

analytical system of understanding the existence of God, the spiritual world and man's eternity

Author - Janusz Mazur

Essenceism -

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